You can see the archived poll results on the Wayback Machine:
Only a TRUE Flashaholic/Flashoholic would post a poll as to the correct spelling, or vote on such a poll.
Having an identity crisis?
HA-HA! I guess you’re right. :+1:
It doesn’t really matter how you spell it, but how you feel it!
Anyway, I don’t think I’m having an identity crisis… maybe the middle-age one.
Im not sure on that, isn’t one spelling for someone who likes flashlights, and the other spelling for someone who likes - well the other sort of flash, just without the flashlight
Somebody who is really addicted to flashlights. A typical flashaholic might have dozens of them; hardcore flashaholics might have hundreds or (in one documented case) close to 1,500 of the bright little suckers!!! The word was coined a number of...
The confusion reason: Flashoholic or Flashaholic
-aholic definition, a combining form extracted from alcoholic, occurring as the final element in compounds, often facetious nonce words, with the sense “a person who has an addiction to or obsession with some object or activity”: workaholic;...
I’ve been spelling it flashaholic. Either way works.
O wow, never knew that term was so well-known. :person_facepalming:
Flashaholic it is!