Today I soldered some button blobs onto my brand new 30Q’s. I used a rosin/resin core electrical solder. The batteries are now in the charger and everything is going good.
My new Q8 is in the mail. According to shipment tracking, I expect to receive it in couple days. If I receive it in 2 days, as expected, it’ll have taken a total 25 days from China (Banggood) since date of purchase.
I had the same problem about a month ago. Thought I would use google photos since it was free and easy to use. Well nobody could see my pics. I could see them just fine, didn’t realize they wasn’t showing up for everyone else. So I had to set the share permissions on each photo. Then there was still problems especially if someone quoted my pic post (no photo).
It took me about a hour to transfer all my photos to imgur and I couldn’t be happier now. Simple to use and offers several different formats to share photos. By the way, I cant see your photos either.
You should remove the brown stuff on the base off your blobs.
A cloth, brush and denatured alcohol (spiritus) or isopropanol should work.
It is old flux.