I have a juicer but today I was in a thrift shop with a friend and saw a blender for $5 and decided to buy it.
I use the juicer with apples and carrots. I’m not sure what the best use for the blender is. I tried blending a peach, banana, and strawberry.
It wasn’t particularly sweet and was a little too heavy/creamy. I’m sure I can experiment with it to find the best combination of foods for a “smoothy” or maybe some other type of food.
Anyone here have any good uses (not involving alcohol).
Buy some frozen fruits (tropical or berry mix), add 1-2 packs of vanilla sugar and milk (some use yoghurt instead). Et voilà ... quickly made cool fruit shakes/smoothies without the need of adding ice-cream (but you can if you like it sweeter).... if it's too heavy just add milk, if it's too liquid add fruits.
Pour everything in and blend on high, till you see the blades have been chewed off. Pour into your favorite P60 drop-in and let set till the epoxy hardens.
or without fruits and with salt instead of vanilla sugar. just plain cold yoghurt plus water (Evian, Vittel, Volvic, Pernaud, Gerolsteiner). it is a Turkish recipe.
Whip cream + quark (~50/50) and strawberries = win!
…well, not necessary to use a blender but I guess you can basically whip the cream with it. At least you can smooth up the berries.
Add sugar if needed but I´d say it is best without
My wife is always making smoothies for the kids. Not really sure what all is in there. Fruit and yogurt for sure, but she usually uses some powdered product as a base. She says she doesn’t follow the directions but won’t tell me exactly what she does.
She has finally figured out that I’m posting her recipes for you guys and she is not amused. For those of you that know the whole “Dead Lady’s Almond Cake” story, you will remember that the women in my family think every recipe should be TOP SECRET, going so far as to take them to the grave. They’re all crazy I tell ya!
Thanks for the suggestions. So far I’ve found yogurt with banana and strawberry to be good. I cut up all the fruit before putting it in the blender.
Previously I think I overwhelmed the blender blades (cheap blender).
I’m still getting some larger pieces of fruit in the final product and I just take that out.
I don’t think I’ll be using it all that often but at least now I have something that tastes good to use the blender for. I use the juicer in a similar way (not often).