Foods that contain GMO

You forgot that she smokes also —- LOL

As mentioned by others the whole food industry has issues. You pretty much can’t get away from it, be it -


or additives

or factory farming

Hmm, I think I’ve seen that critter before…


Hmm, interesting. :smiling_imp:

Naw, I’m just kind of amused at peoples’ reactions to GMO (well-founded, if you ask me), but who are lining up for unlicensed untested vaccines gene therapy with open arms all wide-eyed with faith that they’re “perfectly safe”.

No, I’m not gonna get dragged into a “vaccine” debate (not interested, so don’t even start), but I just think it’s interesting how GMOs are viewed with healthy skepticism, whereas these new gene therapies are just swallowed whole as “perfectly safe”, and almost violently defended as such, and by the same people.

Like I said… interesting.

Very “interesting” indeed. :+1:

It’s because it’s genetically modified. This technology has not been vetted. The vaccine was not either but we had less choice with the vaccine.

The two are very different.

If I don’t eat GMO foods I believe nothing bad will happen to me.

If I do eat GMO foods I believe nothing bad will happen to me very soon. Maybe never. But I am concerned that the environment will be adversely affected and that by heading in a monoculture direction we are bein foolish and jepoardizing future food supply.

If I don’t get a vaccinee shot I believe there is a much better chance I may catch Covid19 than that I will not catch Covid19. If I do catch Covid19 there is chance I will be hit with a severe case and some chance I will be a long-hauler. I do not want to be hospitalized, or ventilated, or to have chronic effects.

If I get a vaccine there is some very slight chance I may be hit with a serious side effect. Sore arms, lethargic for a day or two, a short lived fever, all do not worry me. Those will pass. If I have any luck at all side effects will be immatal.

I believe that if I do not get a vaccine shot the chances of me getting Covid19 are better than the chances of me getting hit by lightning. Also that if I did get Covid19 my chances of dieing or having something debilitating happen to me are greater than dieing from the actual vaccine shot.

FWIW, I live in a lightning prone area. I avoid going outside in thunderstorms if at all possible. I have seen trees be struck and catch fire close to me. Trees struck and bark flying off in strips. I also do not buy lottery tickets.

You will need to do much more than just not eating GMO food. For example, you have to stop using cell phones, computers etc and probably also build a Faraday cage around your house to block electromagnetic radiation because it is very well-documented that electromagnetic radiation can damage DNA. Environmental radiation could be another big headache - it is everywhere.

The vaccine is in fact just one big human clinical trial. Evidenced by the fact that the vaccines, at this point; are not approved by the FDA.

The FDA allowed them to be used under Emergency status.

Hopefully anyone who chooses to take or not take the vaccine considers the risk/benefit ratio for themselves.
Because the long term effects of this mRNA technology is certainly not cut & dried. It is unknown.

Hopefully it will prove safe in the long term, but that is unknown at this point.

Unfortunately we are at the mercy of the Big Machine and what ever they decide our fate is—————————— :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Well, we kinda did. J&J’s was a traditional vaccine, smeared with the whole rare blood-clot news, but ironically both mRNA GTs ended up causing more cases of clotting. It was supposed to be restricted to the muscle at the injection site, but was found that sometimes less than an hour after injection, free-floating spike proteins started floating their way throughout the circulatory system, lodging in arterial walls, in the heart, and in the lungs, causing all kinds of mischief.

Maybe the Novavax vaccine will be the best option. I’m still looking at all this to shake out.

But one thing about GMOs… true, they do get digested, but there’s no guarantee it’s still safe, as prions are “just proteins” but pass right through even after being thoroughly cooked, digested, etc., and cause all sorts of mischief like mad cow disease, CJD, etc. So who knows what passes through from GMOs. We Just Don’t Know (yet).

But okay, just touching on The Taboo Subject (one and done), all about “follow the money”, treatments that worked like HCQ, ivermectin, vitamin D, etc., singly and in combination, were being successfully used by doctors and clinics on an outpatient basis, ie, no need for ventilators, etc., yet those were shut down NOT because of any “science”, but just by Official Edict. Massive gene-therapy on a worldwide scale is fine if untested (basically the entire planet is the test-lab), but treatments shown to work are preemptively shut down with a pronouncement that they “don’t work”. Wanna tell that to the doctors, clinics, and especially the patients who recovered?

Now “follow the money”… :smiling_imp:

Actually, my sister is one of those who claims that electrosmog affects her adversely. There are in fact ways to test that, eg, yeah, a faraday-cage room where you try to figure out when someone turns on/off a wifi router at random times to see if you start getting headaches and when they go away, and correlate that to the on/off time of the deliberately-induced electrosmog.

Some people have been tested and are spot-on. Others will only get headachey when they think the wifi is on. Again, it’s gotta be tested.

And just because I don’t (knowingly) experience it myself, I don’t discount that others may in fact suffer from it.

Your right to a large degree I think.

Some people never question anything & just accept what the “Big Machine” says, whether that be GMO’s, Vaccines, or anything else. They just blindly comply.

Others question the “Big Machine” edicts and then make their own decisions on a matter.

Not saying either group is wrong, BUT as for me; I will be in that second group every time.
I will question everything & then make my own decision.

I DO NOT just automatically trust the “Big Machine” or think it has my best interest at heart.

Well said Lightbringer!!!

“Science” had nothing at all to do with Big Brother & his lackies shutting down treatments that Drs. around the world had sucessfull used to treat CV.

AND… those proclamations they made cost lives.

The whole damn thing is shameful. AND that is the best that can be said of the dog & pony show surrounding COVID edicts issued by Big Brother.

All I know is the map showing new covid infections in NE Pa shows goose eggs (0) in all the counties around me. Good news. That would not have been achieved without a little risk. Random concoctions with antidotal reports of success would not have achieved this shut down of the virus. Stop fooling yourself in believing this when the proof is in front of us. Internet ” research” never supersedes facts.

As long as people “play nice”, it shouldn’t be a problem. Things just devolve when it gets personal, like talking religion or politics.

Keep an eye on Mexico, as I hear they’re doing rather interesting (and practical) things, like allowing those treatments.

Smart folx there in Mexico’s gov’t from what I hear… actually caring about their people, what a concept! :slight_smile:

Guys, guys, guys. I live in NYC. I saw the refrigerated trucks carrying the bodies, I saw the Javits center converted to makeshift hospital, I saw the USS Comfort taking on excess patients. If you think this was “big brother” making bogus decisions, you are 100% wrong. This virus was very deadly for all people that meet certain criteria, and somewhat deadly for everyone else. I got the mostly untested vaccine because it made sense.

It seems many of the comments are from people that watch conspiracy news channels.

This was very real and history will prove it.