This light is absolutely amazing. Great nitecore quality, 2xaa format for awesome EDC'ability, and the variable control ring is beautiful! The high is awesome and the low is lower than the sunwaymans-to the point where you can barely tell the LED is on. Very cool.
It has the perfect aggressive nitecore knurling and gorgeous anno colour! The clip is titanium and the light is just an overall piece of flashaholic beauty. It also tailstands no problemo!
I bought it from the original owner who had barely used it and I am sorry to say that It has sat in its box since I bought it (other than trying it out with a pair of new eneloops I got).
I am shipping it with the nice carrying case and all of its accessories for $87 shipped.
It sells for $115 plus shipping at goinggear:
I'll post a pic when I have time. For now this is an idea of what it includes: