For Sale Two modded 502b's with 4 Sanyo Batteries Price drop $30, (Sold) might mod some more after I finish the group buy mods

The 502b’s have De-domed XML-T6’s, the drop-in’s have a copper sleeve over them for much better thermal transfer, The original drivers have been resistor modded, the springs have been modded as well with copper braid. These also have a very nice clip on them. These are running right at 750 lumens with the Sanyo Batteries. Great tint from the de-domed emitters and great throw for such a little light. These new 502b’s are great little lights that are not far away in quality from the solarforce lights.

The Batteries are Sanyo Unprotected, with grey tops. I am not sure of the mAh, but they are all marked the same and keeping a near perfect charge. They are from unused battery packs, very nice batteries in very clean condition.

The chargers are just the cheap single battery chargers that you plug directly into the wall but they work ok for what they are. Just keep in mind that if you give these away as presents to give a little safety lesson with them. Charging unprotected batteries with a cheap charger shouldn’t be done unsupervised.

$35 free shipping.

US only because of the batteries.

As usual, first PM gets the lights.

Just a side note, these came with cheap ultra-fire batteries, this is the difference in quality. with the ultrafire batteries fully charged and with the mods done, the light only gets 400lumens and drops off quickly from battery sag. The difference is simply amazing.

Dropped the price on these to $30 and remember that is for two modded lights and four excellent batteries. The chargers are cheap but they work.

PM sent.


I think your ‘rep’ is such that most anything you offer us, will sell.

I’m always excited to see an offering of yours here, getting ready with a PM, but I am late to the party most often, Thanks for all you do here sir.


Thanks for the fine business again! Lights are as described!!! See ya!