This is one wicked light. It's insanely bright for the small package. The Phlatlight PT-54 is an emitter used in projectors. It's recommended that at higher amps that you use eye protection. I'm not driving it that hard. Just under 3amps and it is still bright enough to hurt your eyes inside or bounced off of snow. Not enough to do any damage but I wouldn't look directly into it either. The lumens are not actually that high. Under 300. It must be something in the light spectrum that makes it so bright. It has three modes. High medium and low. (the first pic is on low, on high it washes out the camera and looks all goofy)
Sorry but I didn’t take any pics. The hardest part of the build is that the emitter comes with the base grounded. So you have to use an epoxy that will both transfer heat and not allow electricity to flow though it. There are probably some thermal tapes that would do it. I used a thin layer of deltabond thermal epoxy. But I had to reset it a bunch of times to get a thin layer that would transfer heat but not short out the emitter. After that it’s just a matter of getting the lens the right distance above the emitter to focus correctly.
It’s an incredible emitter. It’s blinding inside. They actually suggest eye protection. I have all the parts to build a couple more of these if I ever get the time.
You’re welcome. I really don’t remember what the readings were. The emitter can handle whatever you throw at it from a single battery. I remember the lumen numbers seeming low compared with what the eyes see.