Expressions of interest in purchasing this light is invited by PM. I'd prefer not to discuss pricing in this thread but rather keep it for questions.
The light itself cost around $300.00 in parts to build. I don't want to sell this light for a loss. At this point in time it is running 3 x XML-2 U3 2C tint leds. I'd be happy to swap the MTG-2 led back in if anyone wished this.
Shipping costs will not be included in the price. If you would like a price on shipping please feel free to ask. I'd prefer to also to ship this registered.
If I have missed anything please let me know as this is my first attempt at a sale here.
This is a link to the light build and beam shots. Thanks for taking an interest.
I know this is reserved for questions but I'm going to go off-topic. I'm glad you didn't post the price because I would be tempted. I'd probably have to sell all of my other lights to pay for it but it is so awesome that it might just be worth it. What a beast.
Thanks guys. I will post a picture tonight when I get home. I also should of mentioned that due to postage problems that the batteries will not be part of the deal. The battery tube was built length wise to suit protected 32650 Trustfire batteries. I will also have to check the length of these.
OK big spenders, forget the Vihn lights, this is a rare chance to own one of Steve’s creations. Have seen his work firsthand and there is nothing made in a factory that even comes close in machining quality. Thinking this light will also hold it’s value really well. MRsDNF, don’t know if your a member over at CPF but it might be good to post over there. If your not a member maybe one of our guys with some clout over there can post it for you.
+1. I guarantee you the light will be better than anything you will find, as far as machining. I also have one of Steve’s lights and they are Awesome! Good luck with the sale. With the fact that it is a one off and Steve does not make very many lights, it is a great & unique light to buy and add to your collection of rare lights.
Thank you for offering your amazing light highly functional work-of-art on BLF. I enjoyed reading the build thread and of all the tedious effort that went into building such an unlimited masterpiece. You really hung in there and made this light sing as intended. The beam shots are just plain sick! VERY well done! Someone is going to score big time with this sale. I hope it gets lots of use with its new owner.
Thanks to all for the interest and PM's. Just to clarify a couple of things. I have not put a cost on this light as a selling price as I dont think anyone would buy it for what I would like. Hence I am open to offers meaning that you can name your own price that you would pay for this light. The $300.00 quoted was only to let you know how much I paid for all the components in this light excluding batteries.
I hope I have not offended anyone with my PM's. As yet no one has made an offer with how much they would like to buy the light for. If anyone has any questions I'm only to happy to answer them which sometimes may be a little of topic.
To everyone for their kind words I thank you. This light has been sold to a member here of which I could not wish the light to go to a better home. I only hope it lives up to his expectations.
I must also thank everyone here, past and present for making the forum here what it is. Without your inspiration and stress relieving I would not be making lights like this and would more than likely be in the loony bin where some say I should be anyway.
Congrats to the buyer… I’m pretty sure he’ll be ecstatic to receive this light, hopefully he’ll post some beamshots of his own along with other lights in his collection to delight us who can only dream owning such awesome light
Really wish I hadn't chickened out on making an offer. Congratulations to the new owner on a one of a kind light. Hope you'll post some pictures and beamshots :D