I know a lot of people dont like the clip on the Wurkkos TS10, I found a clip that works great with it. The Foursevens Mini MKIII fits nice and tight. FYI it might damage/scratch the anodizing when installing as it did to mine. Here is the link and some pics.
That’s a fat clip.
Thats what she said
Sooner or later someone has to design and make a dedicated clip surely?
I had an email alert with Nkon for restock and checked in immediately I got the restock email only to find them all gone.
That looks ok, but it is kinda fat.
great photo, glad you found a clip you like
a couple of other options:
the shrink tubing was just to test without scratching, I now use the EDC05 clip, I like that it does not stick out away from the body very far, low profile, but deep carry, and does not interfere with unscrewing the head.
The Olight S1R Baton series clips fit very nicely. Those lights come with black and blue clips (at least they did when so got mine) so I didn’t have to purchase one! Check it out:
Olight S1R clip (left) next to the stock TS10 clip (right).
Olight S1R clip on the TS10:
I like how it sits in my pocket with the Olight clip on it much more than the stock clip.
How is the retention on the EDCO5 clip?
imo the retention is quite firm… wait, I take it back… I was thinking of the clip on the SC21 Pro…
the EDC05 clip on my TS10 is not very firm, but it could be adjusted… although I find it firm enough for my needs
Jon, Thanks for the great find on the lumintop clip!
I’ve been using two on aluminum lights and the Zebralight clip on the Ti TS10. I tacked some clips on with a Convoy purchase. I found them at AliExpress at the official lumintop store under “Flashlight clips for Lumintop E05C”. I paid $10 for a two pack, but they are on black friday sale for $8.50 for 2, and you get another $4 discount and free ship if you get the 10pk. They were free shipping when I ordered the Convoys.
thank you,
I needed a clip for my CuTi TS10,
went ahead and ordered a few 519a LEDs also