I hope it is ok to post this here … if you don’t like to read, skip to the bottom for summary, this is quite a long post
These past couple months for me have been some kind of “flashlight hiatus”, partly because I’m saving funds for a big project to participate in the 4th annual build competition, but also because there simply hasn’t been a lot of new stuff going on in the hobby. The few interesting lights that were released recently (S41/E14 & L6) are already more or less factory modded and not much can be improved over stock.
So one day in my free time while doing regular youtube exploring, you know, just like one of those times when you start looking for a movie trailer and end up watching 3 hours worth of tutorials on how to fabricate a samurai sword with ancient Japanese techniques. No, the new hobby is not samurai sword fabrication but portable speakers building. I’ve always been an audio enthusiast even before I started with flashlights, not the type of guy who has two 100lb tower speakers in his living room but I have been through a healthy collection of headphones, portable speakers and alike. I have probably spent more on audio than on flashlights, but never got into speaker building or modding, until now…
So after countless hours of forum time, spec sheet analysis and of course reviews readings, I decided to start a series of portable speaker projects, each to shine in a specific area. There is no such thing as a perfect do-it-all flashlights and same goes with speakers. I’m not talking about disassembling a pre-built computer speaker and putting them in a another box like many of the youtube videos shows, instead I will build them from scratch, choosing specific drivers, amps and components for each build and using only one pre-fabricated item which will be the enclosure, because I live in a apartment, have zero woodworking skills and of course zero woodworking equipment.
These are the projects I’m working on, all of them are Bluetooth and have internal battery:
1. Ammo box speaker: there are a ton on youtube but this one will be absolute overkill compared to those, the mission here is to achieve highest power and most sophisticated build of them all. Enclosure will be a 50-cal fat ammo can aka “Saw box”. I’m also making a simpler version for a friend which will be focused solely on loudness and battery life.
2. Compact bar-style speaker: here I’ll try to make an sleek looking compact speaker with best possible balance between sound quality, volume and battery life, built into an black powder coated 10” x 3” aluminium enclosure. This will be a challenge to me, trying to fit all those components in a tiny space.
3. Compact waterproof outdoor speaker: “low cost version”, I want this to have the highest possible volume and decent battery life for outdoor use while keeping it water resistant. Lower costs components will be used, so I don’t expect the best sound quality. Enclosure will be a compact Chinese replica pelican case.
4. The ultimate pelican case speaker: this is my favorite project, mission here is to achieve the best possible balance between sound quality, volume and battery life on a medium size waterproof case. Most time have been invested in this project than all the above combined. It will be a DemerBox killer. Enclosure will be either a S3 T5000 or a Pelican 1200.
Extra: The ultimate “portable” boombox: a beast of a speaker weighting about 40 pounds, designed for both indoor and outdoor use. Because of the cost and complexity, this is a long term project. I will also have to pay someone to have the enclosure made, so meticulous design will be required. When it’s done, it will be one of the craziest DIY boombox ever made.
Soon I’ll start the build and will be updating each project separately below. I might not post all the technical details of the build so feel free to ask me anything.