I’ve been in the process of removing stumps from my yard. Yesterday, I had been chopping out some rotting roots from a stump in the evening. I went back after dark and was amazed to find pieces of wood where I had been working, obviously GLOWING in the dark! I picked up several pieces, and then started digging out more of the roots to find that all of the wood I could dig up was glowing as well! I collected a quart jar of the pieces to photograph; thanks to my wife’s camera, with a slow shutter speed option:
This phenomenon is something called “Foxfire”, something I’ve never seen before:
That’s crazy… how long do you think you can keep them glowing, perhaps finding the right conditions for the fungi to continue living? Glowing jar of wood, so awesome.
That is Truly Amazing! I have never seen anything like that in person before, but it would be Nice to see something Glowing in the Dark like that. I’m sure it could be a little unsettling to depending on your location if you happened to be near a Reactor or Dump site. Then it could be a little Disturbing right after you found it.
I’ve seen plankton glow in the dark. Skittering flying fish leave a trail of bright green on the ocean’s surface. So, too, the wake of the ship - seemingly trailing behind for miles, but really just a few hundred feet.
Coral reef is also aglow at night. Turn off your dive light and you’re instantly plunged into total blackness, until your night vision kicks in and you can see the coral glow. If you change your focus to something closer to the tip of your nose, you can also see miniscule lights coming from tiny creatures swimming by. While it is a neat experience, nothing is more reassuring than turning on your dive light again to ward off the fearful things that maraud around at night!
The Ala Wai Canal borders the mauka (mountain side) edge of Waikiki. I’ve noticed surface bioluminescence on more than one occasion there, too. Surprising to see such mystical-magical things in an urban setting.
I saw luminescence at the beach once… I was visiting the gulf coast, and it was very late night/early morning hours, very dark outside. Any disturbance under the water would cause a very faint glow. I was able to hit two rocks together under the surface and it would make a tiny faint flash…
I was on a cruise ship a couple of years ago, and tried to watch for luminescence in the wake, but there was too much ambient light to see anything.
A couple of years back there were some kind of algi at the Dutch coast in that summer
When startled the glowed blue.
We saw it on the news and were in the car an hour later.
Just the three of us all night on the beach.
When waves hit the beach they glowed and when we walked in it also glow.
Very special!