The way I look at it, slightly larger reflector = more throw, on-board charging, glowing switch and Narsil in favor of the FT03. Lighter, slightly smaller and with 8-amp buck driver (around 900 lumens after stepdown) for the Convoy.
The Convoy’s 8A buck driver is far more beneficial than a FET+1 driver. I’m also concerned about driving these emitters too hard, remember Djozz only tested 1pc. Black spots have been appearing on some and I’ve heard that some bins don’t like to be driven too hard.
The Convoy L21B with 8A driver gets 1200m which is plenty
It’s now more than 2 months since I ordered the Astrolux FT03 (SFT40), but BG still lists it as no stock.
I wonder if BG will automatically cancel the order?
(I notice the BG system automatically cancels orders when reaching somewhere around 3 months, and it’s getting close there).
BG must monitor forum. I received an email this morning asking if I want refund. States that if I do nothing refund will take place in 7 days. I guess they don’t forsee any change in availability.