✌ FREEME- ASTROLUX MF01 Mini 7*SST20 CRI95 26650 ANDÚRIL Flashlight Group Buy - $45.99

I found my notes, my candela increased 33% by slicing the dome off the xhp70. I went from 75kcd (550 meters) to 100kcd (630 meters).

The TS70 is rated at 25kcd (320 meters) so slicing it’s dome it might go up to 33kcd (360 meters). A nice bump, but probably not enough for your needs.

Between Sep 30 - Oct 7.

My guess is there will be some delay due to National Day? And such holiday can be as long as 7 days.

Majority of the staffs will be on holiday for a week. [quote=LTC] My guess is there will be some delay due to National Day? And such holiday can be as long as 7 days. [/quote]

live chat of Banggood is not working anymore?

So what is the output number for the XP-L HI 3B version?

It should pretty much be the same as the 1A. It depends on what bin they are using, but these 2 tints have overlapping power bins, so probably the same output. If there is a difference, it will be very small.

Ordered. I hope It doesn’t have any big flaws and it has indeed a triple channel driver.

Quick question for those of us who only have protected 18650, is it pointless getting this light? Will it trip the cell (keeppower 3500mah) on turbo?


I would asume so, a light of this kind its kinda pointless having protected cells…

You might have a better chance with protected IMR from AceBeam, Olight, KLARUS, etc.

Even unprotected that’s a 10 amp cell. Turbo will probably pull around 20 amps.

For run time and turbo this cell, Shockli IMR26650 5500mAh.

For turbo; Molicel P42A, Samsung 30T, Samsung 40T, Sony/Murata VTC6A.

Very few 18650’s can push the amps and those who can won’t have much capacity, 2500 mah and less. This is really a 26650/21700 light for run time and output.

W30 uses a different type of emitter with MUCH more linear emission and the lens has a fixed focal distance vs moving like a zoomie. The physics are completely different.

For a thrower you want intensity before total output generally, but if that’s the ONLY concern you end up with a very narrow beam that’s almost unusable inside 100m (or more!) like the W30 and arguably the GT w/XHP35 HI.


You are thinking wrong. You don’t buy a light based on what battery you already have. You buy a battery based on what light you have.

As to whether that cell will work, it depends on how the protection circuitry is designed. Some will cut power if the amperage limit is exceeded. This mean you might loose power on Turbo. This will be annoying.

Then some circuits might simply limit the amperage. Keeppower says the protection circuit is for 10A. So it might limit current to 10A on Turbo instead of cut all power. This is more usable, but you still won’t get full output on Turbo.

I would simply buy a new battery that suits this light, maybe from Nkon

I would buy a unprotected 26650 cell. The Keeppower 5500 happens to be the same as the Shockli 5500. It is a great choice.

This. This right here. The best tool for the job, in this case, requires a proper battery for that tool.

That is not how it works. This flashlight is like a resistive load when on Turbo. It will pull whatever amps it can based on the battery. So a high drain 26650 will pull higher amps and a high capacity 18650 will pull lower amps. This is all fine and dandy. It just means the weaker cell will not pull as many amps and not produce as many lumens. If you are okay with this, it is fine.

The only potential issue is that the voltage might sag so low that it activates the low voltage protection. This might get annoying.

General battery talk

An unprotected cell rated at 10A doesnt mean it can’t pull higher amps, it can. The 10A rating is just for continuous use from 4.2v down to 2.8v without the cell exceeding a certain temperature limit.

I think the Keeppower 3500 is a rewrapped Panasonic GA. These cells are rated at 10A, but can and will pull 20A continuously if forced. The problem is they go way over the safe temperature levels. Brief usage at 15A and 20A is okay so long as it’s very brief and the cell does not get too hot.

Yes, if you absolutely want a protected cell, there are a few high drain 26650 with protection circuits in the 15A to 20A range. Just be aware they cost about double what an unprotected cell costs.

You should not worry too much about an unprotected cell. The only concern is maybe you leave the light on and it runs the battery voltage down to battery damaging levels like below 2.5 volts. The mini has low voltage protection built in that will cut power below 2.8 volts.

It is also good practice to turn the tail cap 1/4 turn to cut battery contact if you are not using the light for long periods. This way there is zero chance of a drain.

On banggood they converted 25k candela into 365m for TS70, so maybe I was fooled by that, comparing distances of similar size/power lights. Yes, you are right , to get an additional 40 m it’s not worth slicing th dome and risking messing it up. Thank you!

Yeah, I noticed that and had to double check. The TC20 had the correct numbers.

25,000 x 4 = 100,000
Square root of 100,000 is 316 meters

I wonder what you would get if you swapped in a xhp50.2 and sliced the dome off it? Neat idea. The problem is the reflector is just too small on the TC20 and TS70. You could keep going down in die size to like a xhp35-hi and start getting good distance, but you loose total lumens and hot spot diameter. Always a trade off. :confounded: