I ever shipped back my received items to their China office once. I can't speak for others, but BG got refunded within 2 days after i submitted me tracking code to them.
Got mine today and I must say I’m loving the 100k lux worth of throw, it makes it so much more fun then all my other pop-can lights. Good job astrolux!!!.
Should I slice the domes???hmmmmmm
how mine throws, it’s very possible it’s doing well over 100kcd, I heard that shaved SST-20s don’t gain much throw in optics and drastically lose lumens, i’d leave the dome on
Wow that purple looks great! I should have gotten the purple instead of sand.
Throw from observation can be misleading because the mf01s optic might have no spill unlike the mt09r reflector which constricts your pupils because of the bright foreground so you dont see as far. Also the big focused hotspot might appear brighter since reflector lights loses like half its lumens in the spill and the hotspot might be smaller so you see less. But I sure hope it really does out throw the mt09r. I love bright throwy hotspots with no spill from TIR optics.
Jason, are you sure “clear” is anodized at all? Metallic silver paint would explain this behavior as well.
Yep! That’s the behavior I’m seeing with mine. It’s a shame. :person_facepalming: It’s Christmas lights all year round. I dislike it immensely. Emisar did aux lights perfectly. With the D4S you could at least choose your color at time of purchase (same with Fireflies). On the D4v2 they come with multi-colored LEDs built-in and completely configurable in such a tiny package (Choose your color based on your mood that day). Really quite impressive.
I WANT aux lights in my MF01S. But I look over at the Christmas lights hard-wired in and just ‘sigh’ and think what could have been.
Can’t one just snip, snip remove the pink ones? or put “hats” on them, so you don’t even have to solder.
Can anyone fill me in on the different outputs for the different LED color temperature options. Surely they are not all 15K lumens?
Any mention of LED bins?
4000K - 11 000 lumen
5000K - 14 000 lumen
6500K - 15 000 lumen
4000K - 11 000 lumen
5000K - 14 000 lumen
6500K - 15 000 lumen
Thanks and what is the source to this information, is it in this thread or somewhere else?
Jason, are you sure “clear” is anodized at all? Metallic silver paint would explain this behavior as well.
I checked my clear ano some more and it looks like it was racked using the internal threads of the head. So there are at least 6 equally spaced points on the head female thread that are conductive.
Then checking the male threads on the body, there are several spots that are bare aluminum, just on the exterior of the thread (major diameter). It looks like this is more from being nicked or threaded and un-threaded, although mine was shipped this way and only unscrewed once.
The exterior of the rest of the body is not conductive. I have a feeling the ano is just really thin on the clear (which it usually is anyways on a bright clear “silver” color).
This makes any wear surfaces easily conductive after a few abrasions.
Interested in the flashlight and the diffuser, thanks!
Jason, are you sure “clear” is anodized at all? Metallic silver paint would explain this behavior as well.
Yeah, it’s anodized. Not paint. Paint just sits on the surface and is quite thick in comparison to anodizing.
Anodizing is a weird process. It’s basically aluminum oxide with colors in it. You have tiny dye pigments which fall into tiny pores on the aluminum surface. It creates a coating just a few microns thick. There are different types and different thicknesses. White pigment is actually too large to fit in the pores so I think they acid etch the finish to get it to work. There’s something unique with the silver color as well which is why you don’t see it often.
I don’t know why silver is often semi conductive, it just is.
Can’t one just snip, snip remove the pink ones? or put “hats” on them, so you don’t even have to solder.
I believe each color has a trimmer pot that you can adjust. There’s 4 colors and 4 trimmers, so it makes sense.
@Glennac, it’s clear anodizing.
@Glennac, it’s clear anodizing.
You think it’s a layer of aluminum oxide without the pigment added?
I wonder if it’s the pigment that makes other colors non conductive. Hmmm.
If it’s clear anodizing, then it’s still not conductive. Aluminium oxide is a great electrical insulator.
Most dyes used in the anodizing are used to fill the pores and give it a certain color.
If it’s clear anodizing, then it’s still not conductive. Aluminium oxide is a great electrical insulator.
Then why are a lot of the silvers we see recently semi conductive?
Probably because of 3 things:
1. A lot of clear lights aren’t anodized. I thought my FF E07 clear was, until I scratched rather easily.
Dunked it in my own HA III anodizing bath, and got a nice durable clear coat.
2. Some clear anodizing isn’t very thick. Quite a lot of clear anodizing is done at HA II levels, which are quite thin vs HA III’s min requirement of 25um.
3. It wasn’t done well.
On your first point number 1, if a clear light is not anodized, yet it doesn’t tarnish, what kind of finish are they putting on it exactly?