FREEME ✌ ASTROLUX® MF01X 18*SFQ43 LEDs 21000lm 3*21700 USB-C Flashlight Group Buy - ALIVE frm $105

On the 1theDeals listing page for this it says “High Efficiency Direct Drive Driver”. I’m not quite sure what they mean by that exactly, but I hope it means what it sounds like it means. Some form of decent sustained output.

Edit: It sounds like their talking about the turbo cause they say direct drive, but I’m hoping it’s their way of saying decent sustained output.

anyone have a picture of the SFQ43 Led or a data sheet?

You will find some informations here.

I’m looking for information on whether the SFQ43 is a HI or HD Led. I can’t find it in the thread either.

Tried to search for “SFQ43” and this result came up:

There is a photo of a triple-LED flashlight with allegedly “SFQ43” LEDs, and they look like ‘domeless’ LEDs (ie. similar to the Cree “Hi” series or similar also to the SFS80, SFN55.2, SFH LEDs which are also domeless LEDs. SFQ43 seems to be composed of 4 smaller LEDs (the SFN55.2 appears like a combination of 3x3 = 9 smaller LEDs, while the SFH appears like 4x4 = 16 smaller LEDs. Maybe the SFQ43 is 2x2 = 4 smaller LEDs, just my guess.)

Thank you for sharing the link.
I wonder if Banggood with its MF01X brand will offer more common LED options than Mateminco itself.

Depends on the popularity of first batch?

I‘m definitely buying one from the first batch. If i‘m convinced of that and a „better“ LED and colour option follows, i‘ll maybe buy a second one.

Any news regarding the relaease date?

Ordered. Thank you freeme :slight_smile:



Ordered. Thanks a lot! :smiling_imp:

Is the pre-order still open?
Whenever I click pre-order, it directed to another page.

You got mail.

Ordered. Thanks a lot! :innocent:

Don't miss MF01X Accessories!

Interested :slight_smile:



Interested in a grey one, please send a code, thanks !

Edit: Thanks, ordered now !