FREEME ✌ ASTROLUX ST01 SST40/XHP50.2 3500lm EDC 21700 Flashlight Group Buy - 4000lm for $24???

Ahhh and runtimes for mid and high are quite similar which I guess means that both turbo and high throttle down to something close to 450lm to achieve a similar runtime to mid. Not so much different than the Sofirn SC31 Pro then except for the short-lived max brightness on turbo. Thanks for clarifying!

Who modded this flashlight? Led,wires……edc.I like this model a lot,so any changes into better brighter are welcome:)

Do you have this light already? With the XHP50.2 version pushing ~4000 lumens already and it getting super hot, I’m not sure what else could reasonably done to make it any brighter. Aside from the SBT90.2 and maybe some of the newer Chinese LEDs, I don’t think you’ll find a 3V emitter that puts out many more lumens. And even then, those are much larger so you’d need to drill out the reflector or something.

Yes,for many months:)
Ok, i know what you mean:) Never get satisfied with flashlights:)

If this is still available, I would like to get the code for the discounted price.

Please can I have the code