Thanks Robin, just got your msg.
Freeme or Neal or anyone that has these lights. Please post a picture comparing the tints of all the options lined up against a wide wall.+ I will buy more if I know what I’m buying.+
I’m glad I found out the 5000K was low CRI, as I almost ordered it.
Thanks for all the light suggestions
Normally the FWXX series lights take flat top cells, I would think these are the same.
I found the H10 here but they want $13 to ship from PA to GA!
I think I’ll keep using my 3A gold Vapcells for now. Is there really that much difference between the two?
Although my 50.2mm unprotected Shockli 14500 1000mAh with button top fits in FWAA, i personal wouldn't recommend them as it might wear off the cell and springs in long term. FYI: Vapcell H10 is 48.8mm.
Vapcell H10 seems to be the best battery for this light.
I see, thanks for clarifying!
Thank You, sst 4000K ordered.
Damn they weren’t on Neal’s site this morning when I ordered both lights
So the higher the amp rating the longer it can withstand being on turbo? I’m still a new when it comes to batteries lol.
Ordered, thanks!
Ordered Nichia 3000K. Thanks!
Caved and bought a SST-20 4000k. Hopefully it is more similar in quality to the early FW3A’s more than the later ones. Thanks
Where do you put discount code in.
Dang. The batteries were not listed when I ordered.
if u buy the battery with order does he ship the battery inside the light or ?
Ordered each one of the nichia flavors and 2 SST20’s since the XPG3 is sold out. Also 2 14500’s.
The wait begins…
Thanks! Ordered Nichia 4000K with a 14500 battery.
Order placed for one Nichia 219C 4000K with a couple 14500 Vapcells.
Battery will be shipped together with your FWAA. Do leave a note if you wish to keep the battery inside the light.

if u buy the battery with order does he ship the battery inside the light or ?

Damn they weren’t on Neal’s site this morning when I ordered both lights
So the higher the amp rating the longer it can withstand being on turbo? I’m still a new when it comes to batteries lol.
It’s the opposite. Output on turbo will be higher and the light will get hotter and step down sooner.
If ordering H10s from the Vapcell store on Ali, be careful. There are 3 versions of 14500 batteries that are the same color (purple) I got absorbed in getting the lowest price (there are different venders) and didn’t notice until after they shipped. I ordered 4 C8 2A 14500 batteries I have no use for. Ouch. Had to reorder H10s.