Yes! We are probably going to need to know the maximum current it’ll use at turbo. Charts list it at 25 amps continuous at 9,100 lumens, 62 amps max for 14,200 lumen. Fortunately for this one, total resistance will probably keep it from going much over 25 amps and cooking. Some batteries aren’t even close to these needs.
They’re claiming 924m of throw which is about the same as the SFN55.2. The SFH55 emitter is 78% larger than the SFN55 so wouldn’t it need to be 78% brighter to match the throw? The throw was a bit overrated on the SFN55 version so it might also be the case here. I’d be surprised if it hits the claimed numbers. If it can I’d like to see what this LED can do in a smaller EDC light.