MT-G2 on Noctigon + Qlite Driver w/Zener Mod and 5 added chips already installed. Bought from RMM…ran out of time and can’t install these in my C12, haven’t even opened the package! These would be $40 total from Mountain Electronics, I’ll sell them for $29!!
For quickest reply, email me at: nalamosnar at yahoo dot com
I am interested in this, before I 100% commit, can you tell me a bit about the C8 or C12 mod to use these? Mainly, what batteries do you run? 2 * 18350?
Awesome thanks for the links.
I was just sorting through my huge pile of “to do” flashlights trying to find my SRK and I realized I don’t really need to buy this at this point.
Thanks for the info and good luck on your sale, great price shouldn’t be difficult.