FS: Two TN31vn, EA8 MTG2 - Modded by Old Lumens and Vinh, Niwalker BKFA01vn

Four lights up for sale. All are in excellent or like new condition.

I'm posting them here first, since quite frankly I'd rather discount things here by $10 then pay $5 to list somewhere else :p

1. TN31vn - I have two of these lights. They have been used sparingly, never abused: http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?371042-CLOSED-WTS-Thrunite-TN31vn-%28More-came-in%29

Vinh's price was $170, mine is $140.

2. Niwalker BKFA01vn - Very nice light that's not pushed quite as hard as some of the other throwers out there. Modded by Vinh, and producing around 330kcd.


3. Nitecore EA8 made first by Old Lumens, and then modded by Vihn. The light can use regular AA's on LOW, but I would advise sticking to eneloops. After the initial build by Old Lumens, and fantastic cosmetic touches, I sent it out to Vinh to dedome the MTG2, and do anything else he could to make it even better.

End result is probably the brightest AA's powered MTG2 light out there. It looks fantastic, works very well, will drop down in output to prevent overheating. Not to mention it's throwing at least 60kcd, with a beautiful tint. I spent over $160 on this light altogether.


I'm open to reasonable offers, and discounts if you buy more than one light. Shipping is $12 anywhere in the US, or actual price anywhere outside the US. (Usually around $44.)

Group shot of the lights coming tonight.

Oh so tempting - a light modded by both Old-Lumens and Vinh. Just bought two XHP-70 lights from Old-Lumens two weeks ago and I couldn’t be happier. I also have Vinh modded MT-G2 lights and anything by these two gentlemen have my attention.

Someone should jump on the Nitecore EA8.

Here's the original listing by OL: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/18280

And the build thread: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/17969?page=1#comment-387753

Not entirely sure what Vinh did, aside from bumping up the current somewhat, making it ramp slightly faster, and dedoming the MTG2. Light works beautifully, I just find myself not using it much because it looks so different, and don't really want to damage it. Of the four that's the one I'd be least unhappy to not see sold.