Could you please tell me what is difference between CREE XP-G2 R5 2B 5700k(on Noctigon star) and your CREE XP-G2 S2 5700k.
I mean will it be brighter than the other one upon de doming is performed?
Sorry for asking so unprofessional but I am not pro. I am just guy who knows to slap things together.
I noticed sometimes even 5-10%(and more) difference in brightness among same emitters(above mentioned XP-G2) from the same batch
This sometimes is driving me crazy. I want constant performing emitters. So I am very interested if there can be any benefit from your CREE XP-G2 S2 5700k.
If asking questions make a person "unprofessional" then I never intend to become one. :)
Your of course right there is always some variation between emitters in the same bin. If I understand it correctly the next bin up is guaranteed to be brighter than anything you find in a lower bin.
Sure you might get luckey some times and get an R5 that tops out at nearly S2 level, but typically a full bin is enough to be noticeably brighter. Of course it would be nice if each emitter was individually labeled, but then again this way there is always a chance you could strike gold with an emitter that tops out near the S3 category. WOOT!
No, I ordered from an authorized distributor. I have tried to order directly from Cree (even in full reals) and they pretty much blew me off. The lady I spoke to on the phone said they "weren't looking for any more distributors at the time"
If I only knew that before I ordered a lot of above mentioned R5 XPG2...
So if performance difference is really 5-7% this means 12500 - 14000 more candela in my flashlight..., and there are still plenty of flashlights that can not throw this numbers so it is great improvement over R5 XP-G2.
Damn... I am crazy now I did not new this data before :(
Since I own all available premium aspheric flashlights(exepct Saablusters) and I have tried almost every possible emitter in them I will just give my opinion that the best emitter in aspheric I tried so far is XP-G2 XP-G2 R5 2B de domed. It is neutral white emitter when dedomed and 5700k stock.
Emitter from FT XP-G2 1A (6100) has greenish tint beam after de doming but XP-G2 2B is something different so I am really looking forward to de dome Vestureofblood one.
was that for me? i guess i wasn’t talking to we (you?), and was responding to comfyc’s comment…
anyway, i don’t own any premium aspheric lights so i guess my opinion of tint is void
no really though, comfy, a warm aspheric beam ‘seems’ to cause less blinding back scatter in fog/mist, and I generally use my aspherics around water, so I like them warm/neutral
White cree leds don’t have voltage bins?Why I didn’t notice this before? :~
There is logical possibility that higher flux bins leds have higher voltage(lm/Watt bin would be more fair),so I suspect that S2 bin leds have even higher Vf than average xp-g2,but since there are no voltage bins,measuring is the only way to find out.
This was taken with generic olympus camera(worth 50$) with auto settings holding camera in one hand and flashlight in other (hold still as possible and take deep breath)