Fun flashlight activity to do with kids (finding Wolf Spiders)

My five year old shares my fascination with flashlights, so I’m always looking for fun ways to integrate them into our activities.
A year or so ago I discovered something really cool and we’ve been doing it ever since- Hunting for Wolf Spiders.
Here in South Carolina, Wolf Spiders are very common, maybe even the most common type of spider.
If you’re not familiar or sure of they are in your area, start here
Wiki link for Wolf Spiders.

These spiders grow rather large with a menacing look, but are relatively harmless.
Also the females carry their hatched babies on their backs, super creepy to observe.

The wildest thing about them, is untill you know how to locate them, you have no idea just what a huge number of them are in your lawn at night, foraging and roaming as they do.
In my 60’x40’ front lawn, on any given night, we can easlity locate 200 or more Wolf Spiders, and this is a suburban neighborhood, not the woods.

Now for how to find them. Wolf Spiders have very large, highly reflective eyes, and they will look towards a light shined at them. If this light is in plane with your eyes, they will look right back at you, their eyes shining and glowing like little green emeralds.
I find it best to use a headlamp for this. But also a flashlight, held to your temple, pointed forward, works well too. Holding the light anywhere else, such as down by your side, or lower on your face, won’t work, you wont see the reflection.
Light source must be as close to and in plane your eyes as possible.

When I discovered this, I searched online because surely others had discovered this too, and of course there were already videos on youtube showing how to do it.
These videos are not mine, and are not great, but you will get the idea and see what to look for.

So try this sometime with your kids (or even by yourself :wink: )

Thanks but I hate spiders, they make my skin crawl.

Haha well I wouldn’t want one on me, and I turn into a ninja when walking into a spider web, my son is the same way, but observation is cool. Most kids dig this sorta thing.

I’m still thinking why the hell did I click on this thread. :frowning:

Why is that?

I learned to do this holding the light under my chin, pointed down. My girlfriend, who is crazy for creepy-crawlies, had never heard of this before so I got the rare privilege of taking her out for a night walk and setting her loose with one of my flashlights. Good times.

Don’t like spiders! :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah, but they are more afraid of you than you are of them!

I have seen this and assumed it was little droplets of dew…never closely examined it.

I kinda like spiders…so guess what I will be doing tonight? :slight_smile:

Awesome, thank you, my kids will love this

That’s exactly what it looks like! (untill you watch the dew drop crawl under a leaf)

Apparently they go into hiding when it is cold, venturing inside and such.
I just checked my yard and didn’t find any, haven’t really looked in the past few weeks.
Maybe I should have posted this during warmer weather.

When I got my first headlamp I too noticed the spiders. As you say, as long as the light is at eye level, they show up quite clearly.

Couldn't work out what the little blue reflections in the grass were for a while until I actually found one.

It's amazing just how many of the little buggers are crawling around out there after dark!

This is even more fun than hunting spiders!

It’s good to get over fears of nature — knowledge helps with that.

We figured out that our in-house ecosystem seems to support about one wolf spider per room — if we catch one and toss it out the door, another will move in, but occasionally I see a new one hunting the old one, and then only the new one’s around after a while.

Sure beats having mosquitoes and flies and pesticides in the house.

Awesome post! I wish we had them around here because I would love to shine for them.

Wolf spiders are a beneficial spiders…I like them, they grow pretty big

I love Wolf Spiders.

If you have a UV flashlight and live where there are scorpions, they glow bright green at night…

Our wireless router has two vertical plastic arials about 7 in. apart (18 cm). A couple of nights ago I noticed that a spider had put up a beautiful fine web between them and was sitting off to one side waiting for prey. I doubt that he/she will get anything this time of year but during the summer it would be great to get rid of some fruit flys. I don’t mind them at all and see them in the house and outside regularly.


That pic with all the babies is crazy. Thanks for posting :slight_smile:

The spiders I dislike are the banana spiders (golden silk orb-weavers), build HUGE webs between the trees…walking to the car at night and I hit one of those, I go from fat guy to ninja in .3 seconds flat!