It certainly does get old. But it’s not just “dozens of pages ago”; it’s now over three years. Despite appearences, he’s well aware of how these things work, and even attempted a group buy in the past. So there’s history. The condensed version is: There was a lot of complaining and drama, a lot of “put up or shut up” responses, and some attempts to “put up”. But it didn’t go well. Threads were closed by the admin. A rude point system was added. Some extremely inappropriate private messages were sent. Then the posts and account were deleted, though I’m not sure if it was a ban or a quit. I assumed it was a ban, but I could be wrong. Things were quiet for a while. Eventually a new account showed up with similar behavior, but nobody knew for sure until last October when he revealed he was the same person.
So… there’s a lot of background involved. Sometimes he has useful and constructive things to say, though that can be hard to see when it’s so often cloaked in negativity. Sometimes it’s just angry rambling. Sometimes false or made-up stuff. Sometimes FUD. Sometimes I can’t even figure out what he’s talking about… like coded messages or something. And sometimes he’s helpful.
It’s not an easy thing to deal with. Responding tends to turn threads into flame wars, but the common wisdom of ignoring it is often harmful in other ways. So BLF has a button for it which attempts to avoid both failure modes. Regardless though, the action recommended by our admin is to click the button instead of responding, and otherwise generally try to stay on topics which are relevant or enjoyable.
… and on that note:
This is Fritz’ design; he and Cawi started the project on TLF. However, every original team member has left the project. As far as I’m aware, no one has heard from Fritz or Cawi since late 2018. They seem too busy these days to be involved. So Bluzie took over duties on TLF, and I’m helping with stuff here.
The “BLF after dark” link in my signature has some useful stylesheets for this.
It’s not ruled out entirely. We’re mostly just trying to make what people voted for first, before possibly venturing into other options. The flavors which got the most votes were:
- XP-L HI ~4900K
- LH351D hi-CRI ~4000K
But I personally wouldn’t mind if Lumintop decided to make a full spread of XP-L HI versions. Like, 3300K, 4100K, 4900K, 5700K, all in rosy “A” or “D” tint bins. We even have enough poll data to determine approximate quantities of each, if they want to try that sort of thing. But I think the actual plan is to do ~4900K first, then try to do LH351D as soon as emitters can be obtained, and then maybe try other tints later if they think it’s worthwhile.
This sums things up well:
The plan is to try to cover a variety of different preferences. But that’s pretty much up to Neal and Lumintop.