FW3A mod thread. Post yours!

Just for the sake of putting it out there, be aware that while sapphire is very scratch-resistant it is less shatter resistant than some other types of glass and crystal so treat your newly crystal-blinged FW3A with care. :smiley:

No fancy mods or beam shots here.

I replaced the stock frosted optics with the clear triple optic from my malfunctioned Wuben TO46R. It was purely random as I was just comparing the TO10R’s tint with my FW3A 3D’s tint. The Wuben’s (both 10R and 46R) neutral white is still slightly colder (with greenish tint) than the FW3A’s XPL HI’s 3D.
My Wuben TO46R had a easily removable tailcap for battery swap but its head is glued shut. The Wuben TO10R was the opposite with the head loose and the tailcap glued shut. Simple twist of the stainless steel retaining ring of the 46R’s head and out came the lens (AR coated) and the clear optic. I placed both lens and optics face to face with the FW3A’s and wholla… exactly the same diameter. The optics were exactly the same height for both and the lens appears to be the same thickness too. Sorry no actual caliper measurements (I’ll do that eventually later)….

Proceeded with the optics only swap so now I my FW3A XP-L HI 3D has a clear optic for what should be slightly more throw but slightly more artifacts (only on white wall). That’s all folks.

I kept my second FW3A with the 7A WW as is. No mods on that one.


Wow, nice work Dan! :+1: So the steel is thick enough to run a 2mm groove without busting through to the other side?

Not in the original tailcap, that only has around 0.5mm thickness, looks like Dan made some new ones from 3-4mm solid bar.

Where’s the group buy for Drafter Dan’s custom tailcaps? Those look great! :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah, yes — makes sense. That’s great he has the CNC lathe to do it.

I’d be on board for that! I just don’t feel good about putting trits in the optics… all that heat…

Trits can take a lot of heat, don’t worry about that.
I often burn trits out of UV glue with a jet flame lighter.
That my shorten their lifespan slightly but I haven’t noticed any ill effects.
Every vial in the Mokume Lan was blowtorched out of something else :smiley:

One question. A single sided Convex lens like this one would make the light more floody right?

I wonder if it is an actual lens (as in: magnifying), or convex shaped sapphire with the same thickness over the entire surface (these are meant for watches).
In the latter case it does nothing with the beam.

Useless clip hole…this one?

Messing around….short tube?

Nooo too short…. :confounded:

He’s gone trit mad! :smiley:
I was playing around with short tubes too, just for fun. Had none that fitted properly.


That shorty is cute. :slight_smile:

How did you do that? I have a NovaTac 120P and the threading is much more narrow… no way to attach.

KB need his own FW3A mod thread :smiley:
He’s keeping busy with these lights

A pair “UV” [purple] 0805 led’s under the TIR.

With a couple of her anduril sisters, IRL it’s the same purple as the E07 on the left but the E07 AUX LED’s are so bright it blows the color out in the pic.

+1 & Amen… . :beer:

I got an orange glowring form Neal today. It’s not bright, the gitd tape I had around the inner wall was much brighter.

Probably the orange colour does not help. If your order one from Neal, better stick to green.

Sign me up. Especially if those don’t have the nubbin that falls out.
I’d feel better having a light that wasn’t at risk to self-destruction by unscrewing the tailcap.
As a contribution to the wellbeing of my heirs.

thank you for the alert