FW3A mod thread. Post yours!

Amazing pictures and insight, thanks for uploading!
Great lights and mods, the only aspect that would irritate me personally is the rabbit :wink:

Changed the emitters in my modded FW3A again tonight. Currently it’s sporting the following:

  • Two XPL HI 5D
  • One XPL HI 3D
  • Lee 279 minus-green filter.
  • Carclo 10507 optic.

I’ll give this a shot and see how I like it.

I wonder if Manker quad lens would fit in it? Should require trimming the TIR less, so be more efficient.

+1Except I think the rabbit looks cool. :+1:

I have nothing against rabbits, I just prefer cats or dogs :smiley:


Maybe just off it…… I’ll play with it all weekend then see?

:open_mouth: We have a candle stand(s) in the bathroom. I put it in one of the tall ones that has a metal shade with cut outs of Stars in it, it sure does look great! :wink: :+1:

You should at least try it with a 10622 before killing it off. The 10621 produces a significantly worse beam.

After seeing the optic installed in the bezel I doubt I’ll be wasting any time with the quad. I really am not a fan of tiny triples/quads anyway TBH. In my
experience, ‘real world efficacy’ would be better in the units of lux/W. 20MM Carclos don’t deliver that IMO.

That is exactly what I was thinking, the Astrolux/ Manker optic is 22mm vs the Carclo 24mm.
I cannot find any MCPCBs for it though? The optic is still available through BG I think.
It could possibly be installed without modification depending on the head threads?
Where is my light dammit! :smiley:

I’m not going to make my FW3A into a quad as I have the SR4 where I used the smaller manker quad optics.
The SR4 is solid copper with a lot more mass and can barely manage the heat on full pelt.
I think a quad setup in the FW3A is pointless unless you use W1/ W2 emitters.
Optics comparison:

CRX, what is the height difference?

Front flat to optic opening is 6.66mm, Front to legs end 8.34mm

Front flat to optic opening is 5.06mm, Front to legs end 7.54mm

So 0.8mm.

Maybe it would be possible to get MCPCBs from Mateminco?
0.8 mm…doesn’t seem impossible to find for someone with the skills and inclination of CRX. :slight_smile:

This is true :smiley:

I was thinking of three white flats with three individual reflectors, but keep that quiet :innocent:

Why? Its not the optic.

Last night I tried a couple more LED setups in my FW3A

  • Triple LH351D 90 CRI 4000K - I was not impressed. As expected, due to the floody emitter the hotspot was much bigger, but with much less intensity than XPL HI. Ultimately I decided LH351D was simply too floody and quickly swapped it back out of the light.
  • Triple XPL HI - composed of two 4000K 5D and one 5000K 3D. Much better. I also added Lee 279 minus green filter for even better tint.

Thanks for the report. I was thinking about trying the LH351D… but the reported flood is not what I want.

Mixing the XP-L HI’s sounds good. Gonna give that a try. :+1:

Teacher, if you got the Samsung triple available you could try them and then slice them for less flood?

@ Umpi2000 … Good point…. thanks for the suggestion. :+1: