My sister's gallbladder is causing problems and probably has to be removed.
She's been at the emergency room/hospital for about ten hours now.
She was experiencing a lot of pain.
She didn't want to take any painkillers as that may mask symptoms.
She was supposed to get an MRI about an hour ago.
I have to babysit while she's gone.
Babysitting is really easy, but I have to stay awake.
I took some caffeine about half an hour ago and started to watch a movie.
I hope my sister is okay, and I hope she doesn't get stuck with a huge medical bill.
She has insurance, but sometimes people get stuck with bills when they get medical care from the wrong individuals.
About ten years ago, she had to have her appendix out.
Then recently she had to have her tonsils removed.
Now it's the gallbladder.
I told her that if she has heart problems, they'll have to take that out too.
I'm not good for much, except sometimes comic relief.
I've been very lucky when it comes to medical problems and hospitalizations.
I've only been hospitalized once - when I was born.
I hope to keep it that way, but we'll see.