Influenced by another forum I bought myself a Surefire 6PD, and a drop-in. That was a very long time ago.
Not so long ago I managed to burn the switch and as a result rendered a > €100 flashlight useless.
Because SF no longer replaces Z58/Z59 switches. And sellers in the USA usually don’t export to individuals.
(even if they do, shipping plus customs are killing the deal).
After some thinking and trying, I found a workaround that would fix things. See HERE.
Apparently I over-estimated the need for such a workaround in Europe.
So I extended the GAW to everyone who is a member before Sept. 1st 2019.
And posts the words “I’m IN”.
On one side I’m a bit surprised there was so little interest in this budget friendly solution.
On the other side I’m glad there were hardly any Surefire Z58/Z59 tailcaps that needed to be replaced.
I was a bit surprised that there was little interest in a fix for a broken Surefire Z58/Z59 tailcap.
On the other hand, that is a good thing because these items can and will cost you an arm and a leg.
So there were only 3 members who were “IN”.
1 id30209
2 Paul59
3 XXX-man