GB BLF LuckySun D80-SE Need long tubes? -3/3/16

I will update as soon as I know something. :slight_smile:

Put me down for 1 NW

1 3C please

Will go well with my current XM-L

Uh, Krono? do you know the meaning of masochist?

Please count me in for one 3C :slight_smile:

can do so?

My opinion - that one belongs over here.

Put me down for a 3C please (assuming all the technicalities are sorted out).

Put me down for 1x3c & 1x1a (assuming they get the kinks worked out)

Kinks are being worked on.

Realistically, they won’t be worked out for a while, especially because of the Chinese New Year that is almost upon us. And that is OK…not going to rush it. Still over 10 months to Christmas. :santa:

(Updated in OP)

Thanks for all the work you guys are putting into this light! These things are great learning experiences for many of us, not to mention the pretty sweet flashlight.

Can you put me down for one 1A and one 3C. Thanks

For around 20 bucks….sure why not. More flashlights….more flashlights!

Ha Ha.

I’ll go 1xCW 1xNW

Don’t remember seeing this thread - I’d like a neutral one please.

Why the hate against strobe on special editions? Not even as a hidden setting?

Moon, totally useless for me so far for the last SE.

Sadly the new sample in this batch is just about equal visually to my EE SE X6, the driver change needs to be addressed. Due to the Chinese holiday I’d guess it will be close to the end of the month before there is a chance of more new information.

And on the positive side, it ALREADY had a driver that massively out performed this one, so its completely fixable.

one41, since strobe has even less fans than moonlight, and even less useable situations than moonlight, and adding it would take up a mode/level currently that a useable light level currently occupies, I don’t think that is really worth addressing. Its kind of in the same category as a moon mode as a rare “just in case” mode for most people, but extremely more rare in usage, and without a group of people who do use it all the time that moonlight has… so due to the many people against including it (just as you are against moon) and the tiny numbers of people desiring it means it almost surely wont be in the light.

Geesh... Is that saying the EE SE X6 is a slouch?

Fact is strobe is just not very popular, and hidden strobe on a rear clicky is difficult and not something I want to get into with this light.

The good news is that this light is pretty amazing as a stock unit, so if you still want strobe, order the stock/current version.

No problem. They are great learning experiences…and a lot of fun. This aspect of this peculiar hobby is something I enjoy. It is pretty exciting to see the finished product as a result of all the hard work and time put into it.

That’s why I mod. Satisfaction. After working hard to get a light to perform like I want it to it’s a reward in satisfaction to see it blasting out major lumens. Like the little Zebra Light SC52 that I just got doing 1118 lumens from a 14500. :slight_smile: That’s just plain fun! Ok, sure, it was about a day’s worth of work and some stumbling blocks, but that just makes it all the more sweet. :bigsmile:

The price is looking to be approximately $20

put me down for 1 neutral tint (always :wink: )