GearBest has blown through the extended tubes they stocked for protected batteries. LuckySun can make some more, but the price will be higher for this run…I’m guessing around $5. They need interest in quite a few to make a run…guessing around 200, so I am making a list here for it. Please let me know if you want one or more.
GearBest is getting more stock of the BLF D80-SE! GB codes still good! They have longer tubes, but they are mixed in with the other stock. If you need a longer tube, you might ask for the longer version when you place the order…but no guaranted you will get it. Or…you might just order an extra long tube and be sure to get it if you need it. Long tubes are very cheap at under $3.
The 1A, 3C and 5A units are in and ready to ship. There are two different codes.
The code for 1A and 3C tints is: BLFD80CM
The code for 5A tint is: D805ACM
Link to all lights and long tube: http://www.gearbest.com/blf-\_gear/
Individual links to 1A & 3C:
BLF D80 Cree XM L2 1A 1100Lm LED Flashlight 6500 – 7000K – 1A (Code: BLFD80CM)
BLF D80 Cree XM L2 3C LED Flashlight – 3C (Code: BLFD80CM)
BLF D80 Cree XM L2 5A LED Flashlight (Code: D805ACM)
price: $20.59
This is the comparison pic. The new, longer tube is on the left. The D80-SE with original stock tube is on the right. The tube color look very comparable, but it is hard to tell from just a picture.
Here is the link if you want to purchase one
1/12/16 REMINDER!
The D80 GB codes are now public for all tints!
The 1A, 3C and 5A units are in and ready to ship. There are two different codes.
The code for 1A and 3C tints is: BLFD80CM
The code for 5A tint is: D805ACM
Link to all lights: http://www.gearbest.com/blf-\_gear/
Individual links to 1A & 3C:
BLF D80 Cree XM L2 1A 1100Lm LED Flashlight 6500 – 7000K – 1A
BLF D80 Cree XM L2 3C LED Flashlight – 3C
BLF D80 Cree XM L2 5A
price: $20.59
5A tint code is now public: D805ACM
1/7/15 EDIT: (Deadline 1/11/15 for longer battery tube interest)
The 5A tint is now in stock, and those with 5A reservations should have received the unique GB code by now. If not, PM ma and I will get it to you.
May at GearBest says that LS can produce longer tubes for those that want to purchase them. the tubes cost $5 to produce, but GearBest will sell them for $2.99 for those that want them. I need to know if you want one so we know how many to produce! Therefore, let me know by posting your interest and quantity you want. Keep in mind that there will be some color difference in the annodization since it will be a different batch. Expect approx. 5% difference at a minimum.
1/5/16 Edited (Added known protected cells that fit). Note…I can only vouch for the Xtars. I have not tried the other protected batteries suggested here by other members:
1) I have protected Xtar batteries that fit. They are 2600 mAh and have black shrink-wrap with a silver label and purple lettering. They are a shade under 69mm in length. They might be an older version though.
2) Dale has also said that he has protected AW 2600 mAh flat-tops that work.
3) BLF user mattlward has said, the Enova IMR 18650 2600 mAh Flat-Top seems to fit. Not sure where to get it, and Richard at Mtn seems to be out at the moment.
4) DanielM says: …my Keepower 2600 fits just fine.
5) Chuckov says these should work:
6) mfilippello says look at these:
Edit: 7) I have since found that protected TrustFire flames work beautifully. Not sure where to get good ones these days.
Possible sources:
I will try to update the OP as we get more information.
Note: Many/most protected cells will not work in this light due to a shorter battery tube. I have Xtar protected cells, and Dale has some AW 2600 protected cells that work just fine. GearBest is also looking into the issue, and searching for protected cells that work that they can stock in their warehouse. I believe there were others protected cells people had mentioned, but I am at work now and cannot spend time searching for them. If you have cells that work, please post in this thread, but also PM me so I can keep an updated list.
The 5A version is in stock, and May will get me the code asap as soon as the stock is checked into the system. I will PM the code for these when I receive it. These have the same short tubes in which protected cells might not work.
Keep in mind that by the time the battery is in need of charging, output will be severly limited, almost down to a moon-mode level, as checked by one of our members. You will actually be able to look at the LED…but more than likely anyone will charge the battery WAY before then because it will be an almost unusable amount of light.
There are also reports of lower that 4 amps, in the 3.5 range. We are also looking into that as well, but we don’t really have an answer yet. It is possible it is a variation across different emitter bins, vf rating…etc.
Thanks everyone for making this a very successful GB.
Reminder: The D80-SE Group Buy is still open to anyone interested. LuckySun produced a total of 1000 to meet demand, and there are still lights available in 1A & 3C tints. You do not have to be on the list to purchase lights left in these tints.
Group Buy code is: BLFD80CM
The D80 GB code is now public!
The 1A and 3C units are in and ready to ship. We will go ahead and release the code for these (the 5A tint will come approx. 10 days later).
Without further ado, here is the GB info:
Link to all lights: http://www.gearbest.com/blf-\_gear/
Individual links to 1A & 3C:
BLF D80 Cree XM L2 1A 1100Lm LED Flashlight 6500 – 7000K – 1A
BLF D80 Cree XM L2 3C LED Flashlight – 3C
coupon:BLFD80CM price: $20.59
Choose your tint and add it to your cart.
Enter GB code BLFD80CM.
Pay. Wait. Enjoy!
Thanks !
Dale has received his latest sample and heartily approved. Here are his findings:
“The D80 he (DHL) brought me does 4.37A with a rested Efest Purple 35A button top at 4.21V for 1380 lumens, straight out of the box. I’d say it’s a win, Light up the green light and let her rip!”
This is indeed a happy moment!
My sample is somewhere in Houston and delayed. I don’t forsee any problems, and Dale’s findings corroborate LuckySuns factory tests, so…without further delay, we will be sending out a GearBest Group Buy code via PM for those that are on the list for 1A and 3C lights. Group Buy information will be on the PM, not here. Also, 5A lights still have another 2 weeks before they are ready, so don’t buy those yet…the 5As are NOT in stock!
If you were on the list but do not receive a PM by this evening…say…6 pm CST, (you should have rec’d a GB PM by now) shoot me a message and I will try to help.
BLF D80 Cree XM L2 1A 1100Lm LED Flashlight 6500 – 7000K – 1A
BLF D80 Cree XM L2 3C LED Flashlight – 3C
It has been a long time, and I appreciate the patience of all involved. I will get the PM out as soon as I get it edited properly. DO NOT RESPOND TO THE GB PM!
There are some conflicting results between LuckySun’s and GearBest’s amperage tests on the production units. So much of it has to do with meter, lead length/thickness, battery used, etc. Therefore, we have asked Karen to DHL a production unit to Dale and me so we can do the tests ourselves. Yeah, it is a bummer that it will add another week or so, but I appreciate that Karen wants to make sure they are spot-on before they are shipped out.
Dale and I will posts the results as soon as possble
1A and 3C tints are in stock and almost ready to ship. All I need is the GB code from Karen, and I will PM everyone that is on the list for 1A and 3C tints.
Yet another delay. Parts supply is pushing the ship date to Dec. 5-15th. 5A might be further out than that due to delay in those emitters. Sorry guys, I’m trying to expedite this thing the best I can
Quick note: There will be no more 5A tint after this point….only a limited number available.
Estimated in-stock date is now November 25th. I will still try to expedite.
Decided to move list to top of OP. We are closing in on 700!:
1) kronological 1A
2) kronological 3C
3) kronological 5A
4) kronological 5A
5) Ruke 1A
6) Ruke 3C
7) pilotdog68 3C
8 ) Martini NP
9) Muto 5A
10) Muto 1A
11) Muto 3C
12) Muto 5A
13) Tank 1A
14) ada_potato 3C
15) onchiman 3C
16) Desmo 3C
17) Stittville Ed 1A
18) Stittville Ed 3C
21) CJW NP
22) tristanxoxo 1A
23) tristanxoxo 3C
24) The Burgh 3C
25) MRsDNF 1A
26) MRsDNF 5A
27) lite1000 3C
28) lionheart_2281 1A
29) lionheart_2281 3C
30) Cooter 3C
31) Jubeldum 3C
32) downlinx 3C
33) John-Galt 3C
34) netprince 3C
35) Otanacious 1A
36) Otanacious 3C
37) TyBreaker 3C
38) TyBreaker 3C
39) Nightbird95 1A
40) Nightbird95 5A
41) wedlpine 1A
42) wedlpine 1A
43) wedlpine 3C
44) wedlpine 3C
45) Joat 3C
46) JohnnyMac 3C
47) koyotee 5A
48) koyotee 5A
49) koyotee 5A
50) koyotee 5A
51) koyotee 5A
52) glowz 3C
53) dbramm22 1A
54) bugsy36 1A
55) bugsy36 1A
56) bugsy36 3C
58) Calmaja 5A
59) Aznsw1mr 3C
60) UliBar 5A
61) Charga 1A
62) freeme 1A
63) southland 1A
64) southland 1A
65) southland 1A
66) southland 1A
67) southland 1A
68) southland 3C
69) southland 3C
70) southland 3C
71) southland 3C
72) southland 3C
73) SoulCraves 3C
74) DanielM 3C
75) spamman 3C
76) Gerrit 3C
77) Space_Noodles NP
78) ilovejesuschrist 5A
79) ilovejesuschrist 5A
80) ilovejesuschrist 5A
81) Lightsaber 3C
82) Lightsaber 3C
83) Aardvark 3C
84) Calev-v 3C
85) adnj 1A
86) adnj 1A
87) adnj 3C
88) adnj 3C
89) akoposilester 1A
90) akoposilester 3C
91) haxquiz 3C
92) baldo21 1A
92) baldo21 5A
93) dolbysys 1A
94) dolbysys 3C
95) Zanders 3C
96) raven38571 NP
97) jkbam 3C
98) antiparanoico 5A
99) Bill 63 3C
100) Chicken Drumstick 1A
101) Chicken Drumstick 3C
102) Yourrid 1A
103) PPDB22 1A
104) Yourrid 3C
106) sesgum 3C
107) Kodachrome40 1A
108) Kodachrome40 3C
109) Randolph 1A
110) Randolph 3C
111) Streamer 3C
112) rova2014 3C
113) Patrickbateman 5A
114) cone 3C
115) cone 3C
116) Richie086 3C
117) retiro675 3C
118) Mitko 1A
119) Mitko 1A
120) Mitko 1A
121) ReManG 1A
122) B42 5A
123) Leeuwenhoek 3C
124) Tete 3C
125) processengr 3C
126) eodoe 3C
127) eodoe 3C
128) ChiggerPepi 5A
129) vladraq 3C
130) flying4fun 5A
131) massimo.maronen 3C
132) thebaum 3C
133) cbrake10 1A
134) cbrake10 5A
135) cbrake10 3C
136) max 1A
137) max 1A
138) marioP 5A
139) marioP 3C
140) danielrhall 5A
141) danielrhall 3C
142) Saigon 1A
143) baldo21 1A
144) baldo21 5A
145) sungsmith 5A
146) sungsmith 3C
147) Minimoke 5A
148) LuckySeven 1A
149) GeoCan46 1A
150) Geocan46 3C
151) JPM3 5A
152) dondulah 3C
153) msg1285 1A
154) msg1285 3C
155) Evilc 1A
156) Kurt_Norway 1A
157) Kurt_Norway 3C
158) vuanhquoc 1A
159) vuanhquoc 3C
160) krikstas 3C
162) walty 1A
163) walty 3C
164) steve-o 3C
165) flashination 1A
166) gamezawy 1A
167) gamezawy 1A
168) gamezawy 3C
169) gamezawy 3C
170) lamper 1A
171) jealous57 3C
172) lawenforcementguy 1A
173) strayz 1A
174) strayz 3C
175) apt323 1A
176) BorisBar 3C
177) zelee 3C
178) Velectron 3C
179) kype NP
180) Netfeld 3C
181) Electroman187 3C
182) Antenne 3C
183) zeremefico 3C
184) Madmar 3C
185) Bong lick 1A
186) Bong lick 1A
187) andyz 3C
188) 2 DOGS 1A
189) strosity 1A
190) Angel Martinez 3C
191) Cula 3C
192) Tbxxx 5A
193) DavidEF 1A
194) DavidEF 1A
195) DavidEF 3C
196) DavidEF 3C
197) Alexey602 3C
198) Atom00 3C
199) Atom00 3C
200) Bill 64 NP
201) Kafar 1A
202) Nbabu 3C
203) fantomR 3C
204) antilop65 1A
205) antilop65 3C
206) dodo 3C
207) Juggeli 3C
208) Sarge930 1A
209) Sarge930 3C
210) Boro 1A
211) dthoang 5A
212) will34 1A
213) Gj 3C
214) fyesilova 3C
215) teachtom 3C
216) Gj 3C
217) Nolebullgator 3C
218) bladesmith3 1A
219) ilovejesuschrist 5A
220) cnrffl1 5A
221) sunnycoaster 1A
222) OscarM 3C
223) haxquiz 1A
224) haxquiz 3C
225) Meyer 5A
226) SmokinH 1A
227) SmokinH 3C
228) TheJoe NP
229) pinggo 3C
230) tryps 3C
231) prisma 1A
232) RonMuller 3C
233) hazy 3C
234) plumrt 1A
235) plumrt 3C
236) plumrt 3C
237) gregor 1A
238) gregor 3C
239) gregor 3C
240) Nguyen 5A
241) Nguyen 3C
242) Frankie Baby 3C
243) Down_South 3C
244) logindetails 3C
245) presterjohn 1A
246) devman 3C
247) devman 3C
248) IH8MYX 1A
249) IH8MYX 3C
250) DBSS 1A
251) DBSS 3C
252) Woody 3C
253) Warhawk-AVG 3C
254) Haterade 3C
255) Zenbaas 1A
256) Zenbaas 1A
257) slow2go 1A
258) slow2go 3C
259) beamO 3C
260) KickTheCAN 1A
261) Vene67 1A
262) level 3C
263) uqs1000 1A
264) rs4ever 1A
265) rs4ever 3C
266) rs4ever 3C
267) djburkes 1A
268) theflamingtaco 3C
269) Ray-o-light 3C
270) Ray-o-light 5A
271) Vene67 3C
272) fyesilova 3C
273) MauiSon 3C
274) Bribo 1A
275) ACmech 3C
276) Bugsy36 1A
277) Bugsy36 3C
278) xelario 5A
279) brno602 3C
280) ACmech 1A
281) sandanbob 5A
282) coolz 3C
283) bakalakos 3C
284) J-Dub74 3C
285) slotguy 3C
286) skol 5A
287) skol 5A
288) tryps 5A
289) prisma 1A
290) mhanlen 5A
291) Peetz 3C
292) Peetz 3C
293) djozz 5A
294) slow2go 1A
295) slow2go 1A
296) slow2go 3C
297) slow2go 3C
298) jim_r 5A
299) Ricflair 1A
300) Ricflair 3C
301) M78 3C
302) CUL8R 3C
303) Kafar 3C
304) Kafar 3C
305) Wrathbringer27 3C
306) tryps 5A
307) tryps 5A
308) MauiSon 5A
309) shanefletch 1A
310) shanefletch 3C
311) LSX 5A
312) neabue 3C
313) neabue 3C
314) Bruno28 3C
315) Hairy_Steve 3C
316) 264 1A
317) fatsteve0 1A
318) fatsteve0 3C
319) majszter 3C
320) IH8MYX 1A
321) IH8MYX 5A
322) wobba 3C
323) guitar89 1A
324) guitar89 1A
325) MaleNurse 3C
326) plumrt 1A
327) plumrt 1A
328) plumrt 3C
329) ahirshy 3C
330) Bribo 3C
331) xed888 3C
332) banker 3C
333) RonMuller 3C
334) mwfire 3C
335) seepeli 5A
336) brno602 3C
337) G0OSE 1A
338) JaredM NP
339) Kloepper Knife Works 5A
340) Kloepper Knife Works 5A
341) Kloepper Knife Works 5A
342) Kloepper Knife Works 5A
343) Kurt_Norway 1A
344) Kurt_Norway 3C
345) ReManG 1A
346) ReManG 1A
347) ReManG 1A
348) scianiac 3C
349) robo819 3C
350) Infinite 3C
351) mikeyx 5A
352) mikeyx 5A
353) Vito76 5A
354) Vito76 5A
355) ger-slash 3C
356) uiski 3C
357) Kodachrome40 3C
358) nofear87 3C
359) dodo 3C
360) jack-bkk 1A
361) Scooter000 3C
362) Lotus_Darkrose 1A
363) D10ten 3C
364) Kozy 3C
365) jescereal 5A
366) MEM 3C
367) MEM 3C
368) MEM 1A
369) Tinn44 3C
370) Le_Zouave 3C
371) DBSAR 3C
372) Box 3C
373) gonein12 3C
374) kommessy 3C
375) Scooby 3C
376) dsiddens 1A
377) Jeansy 3C
378) Rolz 5A
382) Tinn44 3C
383) clagged 3C
384) Noki 3C
385) vyvyra 3C
386) RockyMtnHigh 1A
387) ReManG 1A
388) mattlward 1A
389) mattlward 5A
390) brightlights 1A
391) brightlights 1A
392) thestug 3C
393) jlh454 3C
394) chuckhov 5A
395) RockyMtnHigh 1A
396) RockyMtnHigh 1A
397) illuminos 3C
398) illuminos 5A
399) Tinn44 1A
400) zelee 1A
401) bwl123 1A
402) Kozy 1A
403) lopedvega 5A
404) Desidious 1A
405) hein11ag 1A
406) gleamer 1A
407) gleamer 1A
408) gleamer 3C
409) gleamer 3C
410) mattlward 1A
411) mattlward 1A
412) C-channel 1A
413) C-channel 3C
414) electricjelly 5A
416) BrightBob 3C
417) sonntag 1A
418) sonntag 1A
419) sonntag 3C
420) sonntag 3C
421) chuckov 1A
422) DEL 3C
423) arekm 1A
424) will34 3C
425) theoldbill 1A
426) theoldbill 3A
427) lopedevega 1A
428) cpalmer 3C
429) ReManG 1A
430) MontyPyfon 1A
431) sonntag 3C
432) merikgvr4 3C
433) sandanbob 5A
434) Shadowfax 5A
435) archimedes 1A
436) archimedes 3C
437) keithd 1A
438) Roberrt777 1A
439) guitar89 1A
440) theflamingtaco 1A
441) thestug 3C
442) twin towers 1A
443) twin towers 3C
444) KeepingItLight 3C
445) Intracloud 3C
446) Alexey602 ?
447) MaxBeam 1A
448) MaxBeam 5A
449) gadabout 5A
450) dudunphy 5A
451) dudunphy 3C
452) sb56637 5A
453) ReManG 1A
454) ReManG 1A
455) myhken 1A
456) myhken 3C
457) smed1275 1A
458) myhken 5A
459) myhken 5A
460) dhsvcs 1A
461) dhsvcs 1A
462) monanza 1A
463) monanza 3C
464) JPM3 5A
465) Bulkhead 3C
466) Bulkhead 3C
467) zra 3C
468) uqs1000 3C
469) fonfan 5A
470) pallison74 1A
471) pallison74 1A
472) dave101 3C
473) Dylan 3C
474) johnnydoe 5A
475) THAO916 1A
476) thestug 1A
477) broken9191 3C
478) merikgvr4 1A
479) merikgvr4 3C
480) monanza 1A
481) monanza 3C
482) Jtipp 1A
483) Jtipp 3C
484) VaKo 1A
485) monanza 5A
486) tarver 5A
487) tarver 5A
488) tarver 3C
489) jm_araujo 5A
490) thestug 5A
491) SmokinH 5A
492) PPDB22 5A
496) archimedes 5A
497) Halo… 5A
498) bikenber73 5A
499) merikgvr4 1A
500) merikgvr4 3C
501) merikgvr4 5A
502) qandeel 5A
503) qandeel 5A
504) Cliwilnew 5A
505) thijsco19 3C
506) processengr 5A
507) Melven 5A
508) massimo.maronen 5A
509) zipelgas 5A
510) Copperhead 5A
511) ACmech 5A
512) Vene67 5A
513) monanza 5A
515) plumrt 5A
516) plumrt 5A
517) plumrt 5A
518) trigger619 1A
519) trigger619 1A
520) trigger619 3C
521) trigger619 3C
522) OscarM 5A
523) tru3s1lv3r 3C
524) Apex10 3C
525) mike lest 1A
526) mike lest 1A
527) mike lest 3C
528) mile lest 3C
530) Gunslinger686 3C
531) Gunslinger686 3C
532) Gunslinger686 5A
533) Gunslinger686 5A
534) downlinx 3C
535) keithd 3C
536) djozz 1A
537) Koaksijalac 1A
538) snorbaard 3C
539) weren 5A
540) trigger619 3C
541) polygon 1A
542) cbrake10 1A
543) AlexGT 1A
544) theoldbill 5A
545) skol 5A
546) skol 5A
547) skol 5A
548) erik 3C
549) Jaza 3C
550) Gj 5A
551) Gj 5A
552) bugsy ?
553) bugsy ?
554) bugsy ?
555) bugsy ?
556) Ewen 3C
557) Ewen 5A
558) Jonney_boy 1A
559) Jonney_boy 3C
560) Kloepper Knife Works 5A
561) Kloepper Knife Works 5A
562) Kloepper Knife Works 5A
563) Kloepper Knife Works 5A
564) Kloepper Knife Works 5A
565) Kloepper Knife Works 5A
566) Fredylee 1A
567) Fredylee 1A
568) Goodfellafin 3C
569) Jubeldum 1A
570) kal444 3C
571) cavesprings 1A
572) bawilson2 5A
573) bawilson2 5A
574) Rafter1 3C
575) MontyPyfon 3C
576) MontyPyfon 3C
577) Evilc 5A
578) cloggy 5A
579) Duke 1A
580) Duke 1A
581) Nikihe 5A
582) unknown00101 5A
583) stag0608 3C
584) stag0608 3C
585) AlexGT 1A
586) Bulldawg 1A
587) Bulldawg 3C
588) Bong lick 1A
589) Bong lick 1A
590) Bong lick 3C
591) chuckhov 3C
592) Timberwolf242 5A
593) Timberwolf242 5A
594) LNSVince 3C
595) LNSVince 5A
596) ReManG 5A
597) ReManG 5A
598) Gunslinger686 3C
599) Gunslinger686 3C
600) Gunslinger686 3C
601) Gunslinger686 3C
602) mapache 3C
603) BrightBob 5A
604) BrightBob 5A
605) 1dash1 3C
606) haxquiz 1A
607) haxquiz 1A
608) emarkd 3C
609) apt323 5A
610) Yngvi 5A
611) pintpot np
612) adl2130 5A
613) Neilyboy 3C
614) cloggy 5A
615) CBlack 1A
616) CBlack 1A
617) CBlack 3C
618) CBlack 5A
619) Frankie Baby 1A
620) Lord_Niksidor 3C
621) g60 1A
622) blueb8llz 1A
623) blueb8llz 1A
624) Intruderdriver 1A
625) carmantl 1A
626) carmantl 5A
627) strongest2004 5A
628) Hannoveraner 3C
629) jlh454 3C
630) jlh454 5A
631) salawayun 5A
632) Rafter1 3C
633) g_sintornillos 5A
634) Hannoveraner 1A
635) Hannoveraner 3C
636) Hannoveraner 5A
637) root 1A
638) root 3C
640) Silentcropduster 3C
641) Rafter1 3C
642) Rafter1 3C
643) Rafter1 3C
644) root 5A
646) akar 1A
647) strangern 1A
648) strangern 3C
649) macktastic 5A
650) MtnDon 3C
651) hazy 3C
652) dolbysys 1A
653) dolbysys 3C
654) Aardvark Spleen 1A
655) Aardvark Spleen 3C
657) Jaza 3C
658) cloey123 3C
659) tarver 3C
660) tarver 3C
661) tarver 5A
662) tarver 5A
663) plaidshorts 1A
664) plaidshorts 3C
665) salawayun 5A
666) Bonca 1A
667) Bonca 5A
668) colliedoggy 3C
669) Bonham 5A
670) everydaysurvivalgear 1A
671) radioshaq 3C
672) Nagamee 5A
671) Bright_Mike 5A
672) plaidshorts 1A
673) plaidshorts 3C
674) giorgoskok 3C
675) Nagamee 3C
676) Nagamee 3C
677) brightlights 1A
678) brightlights 1A
679) muellihenry 3C
680) Gone Fishin 1A
681) Gone Fishin 1A
682) Gone Fishin 1A
683) Gone Fishin 1A
684) Tete 1A
685) mrkelvin 3C
686) OdorlessCurves 5A
687) ChiggerPepi 5A
688) bawilson2 3C
689) kbear99 1A
690) Bong lick 3C
691) Bong lick 3C
692) Bong lick 5A
693) mfilippello 1A
694) mfilippello 1A
696) mfilippello 3C
697) mfilippello 3C
698) mfilippello 3C
699) mfilippello 5A
700) mfilippello 5A
701) mfilippello 5A
702) flipmatthew 3C
703) h2o 5A
704) PPDB22 3C
705) uberjeff 3C
706) mpicasso 3C
707) troisanh 1A
708) J-Dub74 3C
709) J-Dub74 3C
710) puccio1969 5A
711) XGK-Saturn-5 5A
Karen has advised us that the D80-SE is estimated to be available November 15th—20th. Yes, we are pushing them to expedite
Good news is that ALL tints will be available at the same time (not slowly rolled out one tint at a time).
We are in the middle of a Chinese holiday, so we haven’t received production information yet. We know they are in production, we just don’t know how far along they are.
We do have a price though!. Looks like the BLF Group Buy price will be $20.59.
For review, here are the specs/changes that we made to modify this into the BLF D80-SE:
● Cree XM-L2 LED in 3 different tints.
1A 6500-7000K
5A 4000-4200K
3C 4700-5000K
● 5 modes
Turbo – high – mid – low – lower (100, 50, 20, 10, 2%).
● IPX-7 waterproof standard
Protects your light from water jets in all direction or wet area.
● Noctigon Copper MCPCB w/DTP (Direct Thermal Path).
Improves heat dissipation.
● Memory function: Memorizes the brightness level when switch for more than 2-3 seconds, or change to next brightness level if operated less than 3 sec (on-time memory).
● Tail Amps measurement on Turbo reaches approximately 4-5A with fully charged hi-drain battery (higher than requested!).
● Improved/redesigned tailcap allows tailstanding, also with thumb cut-outs.
● Thermal grease under emitter, not glue.
The GB will not be open officially, and you won’t be able to pay for your lights, until lights are finished or darn close. Then, members that are on the list, will recieve a PM with the GB code to make their purchases.
Please be patient and we will get more infor to you when it is available.
The design team has spoken and we are approving the latest sample! We should know more after Karen/GB/LuckySun gives us some feedback on production, time/availability and when we will close access to GB pricing! Get your name on the list! !
9/24/15 (Edited: Added Dale’s numbers. My comments and amp measurements below his)
“I got my latest sample driver and new 5A emitter into a light, ran a side by side comparison with 2 LG HE4 cells fresh off the charger.
Looks we’re getting the 100, 50, 20, 10, 2 we were looking for. They didn’t hit it exactly, but it’s dang close!
5. 5.05A for 1110.9 lumens
4. 2.61A for 576.15 lumens
3. 1.02A for 220.8 lumens
2. 0.65A for 141.45 lumens
1. 0.13A for 10.35 lumens
This is with the tail spring bypassed.
The 5A emitter just has to be a lower output bin, due to the lower lumens it makes. The tint is a pretty decent warm white, it’s not horribly warm and probably something I can live with. Noticeably different from the 1A of course, but that one is too blue for me, so given a choice I think I actually prefer the 5A for it’s more neutral and easy on the eyes attitude.
The older sample ran these numbers, also spring bypassed and with the LG HE-4
5. 4.44A for 1369.65
4. 2.87A for 917.7
3. 2.27A for 703.8
2. 0.63A for 203.55
1. 0.12A for 10.35
So as you can see, they brought level 4 down some, and level 3 down a lot, while 2 and 1 remained virtually the same. Level 5 of course is direct drive. The lumens difference is again, due to the different emitter.
Another main thing is the much tighter mode memory. It’s a tiny bit over 2 seconds, substantially less than 3 seconds. I didn’t think to dig out my chronograph watch to get splits on it, just did it by my second hand on my Citizen wrist watch.
Goal accomplished, if you ask me!”
Dale and I received our sample driver packages today!
Preliminary test results look very positive! I soldered in my new driver, and got 4.3 amps on an efest purple that was NOT fully charged. Like a dummy, I didn’t have my batteries on the charger…doh. But, they are charging now, and I will post the results when I can. OT memory has been reduced as well from 6 seconds to under 3 seconds.
EDIT: Re-tested on a fully charged Efest button-top…4.6 amps! Remember…that is with no mods whatsoever!
I have not had the chance to reflow the 5A emitter they also sent. It might be a few days before I can do that.
Dale’s results look very promising as well, but I had some questions to ask him first. I will let him post his results, and then post them in the OP when I get some clarification from him.
Gettin’ close, fellers…woot!
The change from 5B to 5A seems to be a hit.
I will therefore change the list and all the 5Bs will become 5As…unless you post that you would like to change back to 1A or 3C.
If you are currently listed as 1A or 3C and want to change to 5A, likewise let me know by posting in this thread.
Clear as mud?
(Updated in OP)
Heads up! LuckySun is having a hard time tracking down 5B emitters and might have to switch to 5A. We are trying to find a source for 5Bs, but so far, no luck.
LuckySun/GearBest has agreed to change settings on the driver!
Mode selection will have MUCH better spacing. It will now be: 100%/50%/20%/10%/1%.
On-Time memory is now cut in half from 6 seconds to 3 seconds. Not quite as low as what we wanted, but MUCH improved. This will prevent the light from seeming to be ‘stuck’ in one specific mode if mode changes are too slow. Keep in mind, some of the Convoys use On-Time memory, and their’s is 5 seconds (if I am understanding correctly).
Also, as already discussed, we also added the 5B tint. So, now there are 3 choices upon order: 1A, 3C or 5B. So, don’t forget to respond to this thread if you want to change your tint to 5B, or if you want to add additional lights that have the 5B emitter (preferably the latter )
I also insisted on one more round of samples due to these changes. It should be pretty quick though, as they are making just the drivers and sending them out. Dale and I will solder them into the existing samples we have already received, and report our findings.
They will also be sending a 5B sample emitter which we will be testing as well!
Overall, very good news considering that they were very hesitant to make changes!
Dale and I will let you know all the particulars when we test.
9/3 15
With the addition of a new tint, we have hit over 500+ units on the D80-SE interest list…woot!
Good news! I’ll get to that in a minute.
LuckySun’s engineer is on vacation and will be back early next week. We should know more regarding the status of changing the on-time memory from 6 seconds to less than 1 second, and about improving mode spacing as well.
In the meantime, GearBest/LuckySun has agreed to a 3rd tint option when they start production! :party: Good news…especially for you 3C tint haters We are looking at a 5B tint (Neutral White), which is in about the 4000-4200k color range if I am not mistaken.
So…immediately, I need to hear if you want to add and 5B units, or change and of your current tint choices to 5B. Just post in this thread and we will get it updated. Please do it as soon as possible so LS can begin production/quantity decisions.
Sample pics:
And Dale’s Pics:
Oops…forgot to add manxbuggy1’s and jmpaul320’s numbers:
“Ok guys I just tested my sample as well. I only tested it with a 20R at about 1140 lumens and 1260 with the Efest 35A.”
“I’m getting 4.5a with a vtc5 and 4.6 with a 30q”
We are only awaiting B42’s numbers, and he got messed over by DHL. Hopefully he will have his soon. Sorry B42
Nevertheless, we are consistently getting hi-amps from the samples, so it looks like the 4 amp requirement has been met, and then some. MB1 and Dale are also hitting 1,200-1,300 lumens on their best cells. Pretty nice output!
There are a few minor issues to take care of. I will update as soon as I have additional info.
Test results are coming in!
Dales results (his latest test chart):
Thanks for sharing, Dale.
I found excellent results as well. The most encouraging thing is that the goal was 4 amps on Turbo. These readings exceed that goal handily. Here are the results of my test for tailcap amps:
1) Efest Purple IMR 35A Button Top - 4.4 amps on Turbo
2) LGDBHE4 - 4.3 amps on Turbo
3) Efest Purple IMR 35A Flat Top - 4.4 amps on Turbo
Excellent results! It also:
>Tailstands nicely.
>Has new thumb cut-out on tail.
>New double Lanyard hole.
Looking forward to results from the rest of the team!
D80-SE samples are in Cincinnati and will be delivered to the design/test team on Monday!
We had a minor delay in shipping. I insisted they test amps there at GearBest before shipping them out. They tested in the mid 3s for amps (with crappy meter), which is pretty darn close to spec. Should hit higher than that with high-drain batteries and good DMM/leads. Dale’s will probably hit 5+ amps by just touching his magical hands :bigsmile:
Anyhow…samples are shipping out via DHL to team members. We will report our findings once received!
Samples are FINALLY DONE and should be in our hands in about 10 days! YEA!
Hello everyone.
Sorry it has taken me awhile to update. Somehow, I also became un-subscribed to this thread, so I was unaware of additions…sorry! :8)
Anyhow, there was a delay at the factory due to some damaged machinery. Supposedly they have that repaired and samples should be done this coming week. Crossing my fingers
We are definitely getting closer.
Karen has placed the recent sample order after our approval of some design changes. I hope to have some sort of ETA on this round of samples soon. I will update when received.
OK…we are now over 400!!!
We are now just about to 400…can we hit 500???
Well…it has been no secret that it has been a challenge to find a supplier of a copper MCPCB w/DTP. Hopefully that wait is now over. Hank Wang has agreed to supply Noctigons for this Special Edition light…pending test approval by LuckySun! This is great news!
Well…the latest MCPCB was NOT DTP (Direct Thermal Path), so we’re on to plan ‘C’…or is it ‘D’ now…lol. Thanks for testing it for us, Dale!
I will update as soon as we know something.
We are testing a new DTP board which is taking much longer than I had anticipated. I will update everyone as soon as I hear something from our intrepid tester.
We are close to samples being shipped. There was some delay since we changed to a copper MCPCB. I will advise as soon as I know something!
The next round of samples is still about 2-3 weeks out (minimum). Certainly not as soon as I would have hoped!
However, we are trying to get this light completely nailed down for this next round of testing, thereby (hopefully) eliminating the need for any more sample rounds.’
4/17/15 Cont’d
Woot! We hit the 300 minimum for copper MCPCBs! Keep ’em coming…don’t miss out :bigsmile:
Just a quick comment. I think I forgot to mention that LuckySun has agreed to use copper MCPCBs if we get to a minimum of 300 units! Original requirement was 500 units. Only 14 more to go!
I thought I’d give an update.
Below are the current (not necessarily final) specs on the LuckySun D80-SE. Keep in mind that they are subject to change. The next round of samples is almost complete and will be on its way to the test team any day now. Here is the list of the improvements/changes from the original stock D80 and previous samples:
> High amps (estimated 3.5-4 amps) using appropriate resistors.
> 5 modes (Turbo/High/Medium/Low/Moon) w/last mode memory.
> Will be able to tailstand.
> Raised driver battery contact surface to accommodate flat-top or button-top batteries.
> Copper MCPCB w/DTP (Direct Thermal Path).
> Thermal grease under emitter MCPCB instead of glue.
> XM-L2 in CW/1A or NW/3C.
> BLF SE Logo.
> 22ga wire.
I think that covers most of it.
I’m stoked that the new test samples will soon be out!!
We have some positive feedback from LuckySun and GearBest on high amps for the D80-SE.
I won’t go into detail, because the proof is in the pudding. We’ll wait for our test of the latest samples before we release the output/amperage.
Samples should be heading to us soon. We will keep everyone updated on this when we receive them.
Good news!
It was the older XM-L emitter on Al board that blew, not the driver, which I had wrongly deduced. Thanks Dale for the correct diagnosis!
Dale tested same set-up with a current emitter with DTP copper board, and had no problems! Information has been passed along to Lucky-Sun. I will update when I have more info.
While further testing my original/stock XM-L D80, I loaded it with a fresh Efest purple and promptly blew the driver. I am sending it to dale for a post-mortem.
So…we obviously cannot have that happen, especially with hundreds going out. We will be playing with different resistor combonations to come up with the right/best mix for the SE light.
I’ll update this as we learn something.
We are still working on driver details for this light. I’l give more information in the next day or two.
Edit: OVER 250!
Kinks are being worked on.
Realistically, they won’t be worked out for a while, especially because of the Chinese New Year that is almost upon us. And that is OK…not going to rush it. Still over 10 months to Christmas.
mbuggy and I have confirmed that the first round of D80-SE samples is severely lacking in the amperage department.
There are a few other design and spec issues that the test team wants GearBest/LuckySun to address. We will be submitting a list to Karen to get some feedback.
Once we get that ironed out, we will move forward and get the second round of test samples for evaluation.
Fun fun!!!
Well folks, three samples that we have received so far are woefully lacking in the amps department…about 2 amps…sheesh. :Sp
Other inconsistincies exist when compared to the stock D80 as well. And that, folks, is why we are requiring samples before production!
The remaining two samples should be delivered today. We’ll see how those perform and see how GearBest/LuckySun responds to our findings.
Stay tuned…this is where it gets…um…fun.
Well…we have reached the bare minimum for the BLF custom logo. Nice!
It will probably be a challenge to reach 500 for copper MCPCB, but for those of you waiting for sample testing, they are inbound:
Departed Facility in CINCINNATI HUB - USA CINCINNATI HUB, OH - USA 09:47
DHL should have the samples delivered sometime early next week!
The 5 samples are finished and are shipping via DHL to me, Dale, B42, jmpaul and mbuggy. We should have them in our hands sometime next week.
I have also put the interest list at the bottom of this OP so that I don’t miss other new posts when I update it (thanks Halo for the heads up!).
We are currently up to 187 after just a few days…keep ’em coming!
1/11/15 (Original GB Post):
Well…the cat was let out of the bag thanks to OL and pro22000 . :bigsmile:
Due to the success of the X6-SE, it seems other manufacturers/dealers are quite open to the idea of SE lights. After reviewing the awesome D80, and reading Muto’s excellent review, I approached GearBest and LuckySun (Karen), and they have agreed to produce an SE version of the D80. If you don’t have one, it is a superb light already. But, as usual, it could use some improvements. Here is the stock listing on GearBest (click on the pic):
The stock driver already pulls at least 4 amps…and I think Muto and some others have test results even higher than that! It is a little beast already, so I am not too interested in messing with the driver, especially after the driver challenges we had with the X6-SE :~
Anyhow, LuckySun has already confirmed that this same driver can be used in different UI/mode set-up. Woot!
So…there are a few improvements that can be made. Sample lights are currently being built around these preliminary changes. Here is what we have come up with so far:
1. Custom logo on the D80-SE.
2. Choice of 3C and 1A tint.
3. Custom modes (Turbo/High/Medium/Low/Moon) w/last mode memory…stinkin’ blinkin’ eliminated!
4. Emitter upgraded from XM-L to XM-L2.
The above list/link includes the initial changes (not necessarily permanent/unchangeable) that have been made/added to the stock D80, and will be on our first run of sample lights. Driver will be the same (4+ amp output) except UI changed. I’m pretty excited that LuckySun and GearBest have agreed to produce 5 sample lights that they will be DHLing to us individually. Their agreement to do this certainly shows a commitment and desire to work with us. The first round of sample lights will be in our hands in about 2 weeks. The test team is comprised of:
>Me (kronological)
There are a couple other changes I would like to make, but we would have to have a huge commitment…at least 500 units…which I am not sure is possible considering we already had huge numbers on the X6-SE…but we’ll see. Here are the other things we would like to see:
1) Copper MCPCB. (They say not in the cards…but I am working on it. We’ll see).
2) Different tint choice like 4C, but they are harder to come by and more expensive.
3) Rubber cigar holder?
All the particulars have yet to be worked out, but I will update this OP as I get new information. We will probably do something like issue a GB code and distribute it only to those that commit here on this thread. The price is looking to be approximately $20. Do you think we can reach at least 200 units (minimum)? I will keep the commitment list on the 1st. post.
If you are interested, please post here on this thread. Post your quantity and tint choice…1A, 3C or NP (no preference).