GB BLF LuckySun D80-SE Need long tubes? -3/3/16

Please add one 3C for me. Thanks.

Factory-dedomes are no hulks, their tint is quite normal…

That´s what I´m talking about :bigsmile:

Ok…this is NOT meant as criticism, but-why not? I had the impression, this light should be kind of a pocket-thrower- a tiny one, put still a thrower, and it is “made” (planned? Developed?) by forum-“freaks” (meant in a positive way!). You guys normally dedome everything that emits light, and on modded lights with throwy character that´s what you do first :wink:
So I´m just wondering why not, I just kinda expected it. Not at the BLF manker A6, it´s another kind of light- but at this one.

Ok- I did not doubt the performance of the light or your work, in no way :slight_smile:
I only read about the stated ~4 ampere stock…I thought, those were measurements from forum guys with the right equipment and the will not to take china numbers :bigsmile: for stock ~1000Lumen I took 4A stock as reasonable.

Well, this is not the typical “2000 lumen” type measurement, its pretty real :slight_smile: I just did another walk for about 50 minutes with a Panasonic BD cell at 65 degree temps outside, it still got hot enough to be reasonably uncomfortable to hold the head for most, and the cell is spent at 44 minutes, so average A is on target with a full BD cell taking into consideration it will drop below 4A after the first 15 min or so.

The reason no dedome or XPL-Hi is this was always meant to be a very simple change to the D80 to make it a much better light as I understand it, not changing major parts, and they weren’t even wanting to add another tint selection at first even. LuckySun seems to be pretty slow responding to things, and trying to change the LED at this point may mean an after-xmas light… :stuck_out_tongue:


How is throw, in comparison to like BLF SE X6?
What you mean by “unique throwy beam pattern”?

In traditional BLF fashion, this (again) huge group buy thread comes with a staggering amount of numbers, but with oh so little pictures, just one in the OP which hardly does justice to this light. What convinced me finally joining this group buy was not so much the numbers (I trusted Krono and others doing a great job on that) but actually having a LS D80 in my hand and feel how compact it is (that was on a german TLF meeting).

So now several folks have a sample, which is as good as final, can we have pictures please, also with he light in hand to see the dimensions?

I’m sorry. - I may have been understood.

“Factory De-Dome” means that LuckySun would start with a Regular Cree Emitter, and then remove the dome, Exactly as you or I would do.

“Cree XP-L HI” means that the emitter NEVER had a dome to start with, and so the proper amount of phosphors are added to begin with to give the desired tint. - THEN the emitter is Binned for Tint and Flux. - This makes a HUGE Difference, as anyone that has seen a Green Olight “Factory De-Dome” can attest too.

Please see the difference here in the beamshots in post #4. - See that Green? - That’s a Olight Factory De-Dome, Not a XP-L HI “domeless” emitter. - The XP-L HI would be the White one:-)

Again - A Cree XP-L HI is NOT a Factory De-Dome! - It was made without a dome. - It Never had a dome to begin with.

“Factory De-Dome” means that the flashlight company has removed the dome - Not Cree. - Cree is Not in the business of removing their domes.

Sorry - But because of language differences I needed to be clear.

Now, having said this, I agree… We need to leave it like it is if it is going to cause trouble.

Of course, a change in offered tint to 3D from 3C would be Very welcome, but let’s just see what comes up.

Very sorry for the misunderstanding,

On my side. I was not knowing differences between factory dedomed and XP-L HI- I thought, the HIs are factory dedomed.

So yes, factory dedoming those samples for the forum SE would be too much work- so one mor quote for SP-L HI :slight_smile:

I will try to get a couple of pictures of mine after work. You want in hand and maybe next to an X6 and a C8 for comparison purposes?

Factory de-dome is out of the question. LS, I’m quite sure, has never done this and I am not going to experiment with this light. Having them do so would also raise costs. Just de-dome it yourself…even I can do that :stuck_out_tongue:

XP-L or XP-L Hi is not happening either. This emitter uses a different MCPCB, and we will not be getting more samples, so again, I will not experiment this close to production and take a chance on using a board/emitter combo we haven’t tested as a sample.

I also tend to agree w/B42. Unless we get a VERY compelling reason to change on-time memory from 6 to 2 seconds, we will probably leave as is.

The main thing we are working on now is mode spacing. We will see about what we can do to change that a little. But keep in mind…there are no more samples forthcoming…so we have to be sure we nail it BEFORE production…so this could be a little tricky. If we keep it the same, there is one good thing (B42 pointed out). The High, being close to Turbo, is near the same output, but with less drain on the battery. EcoTurbo? 8)

I’m sorry about this. I have been very busy at work, and with the other GBs. I will also try to get pics posted, but they are almost no different looking than the stock D80. The only outward difference is the BLF logo and slightly different tailcap.

Here is the listing on GearBest. . It is not available, but just a place-holder for when the D80-SE becomes live.


'EcoTurbo' is a great find, worthy of an entry in the next dictionary edition!, I almost wish to keep the current mode spacing in order to be able to use this word every now and then! :party:

Ouch that 3C looks mighty green.

I am good with it the way it is, 6 second memory will be fine for this light. I am down for all 1A lights and would stay with this tint for my.purposes anyway… On the A6 GB, Manker has basically spoiled us with their responsive accommodations during that GB. I am good with trying the mode spacing change attempt, if you all think this can be done without killing the max amps… I am eagerly awaiting this light… Thanks for all the work!

I’m just browsing back through some of the pages of this thread, looking for lux numbers. I can’t remember if there actually are any. Did anyone test throw for this light? :~

In this thread there is mention of 29kcd @ 3.65A, so a bit more for the GB version.

Add 1x3C (NW) XML2

Ah, I see. Maybe GearBest could receive a sample with the mode spacing changes? Then they could just show us a video of them changing the modes. Since the idea behind the mode spacing is for there to be a visible, distinguishable difference in brightness, we should be able to tell from the video if they got it approximately right.

Actually I kind of like this idea. :slight_smile:

To be honest- I would prefer it other ways. I´d like to really see a good diference between high and turbo- if there is nearly not noticeable difference between them, there is no sense for me. Turbo mostly is used for showing off- no one needs to squeeze out the last lumen while walking around outside, for doing that, even the normal high is more than enough- so why two steps?

Not to even ask to change anything, but are we able to reprogram the driver?

I already have "ecoturbo" on the eagle eyes X6 and it kinda blows to be honest. I still love the light but the mode spacing makes it seem kinda goofy. The current numbers in Turbo are great for a light this size. If we could get the mode spacing better that would rock. The 6 second issue is a non-issue for for me. I'm really looking forward to this - Thanks to Kronological and all the other members for the effort.