GB BLF LuckySun D80-SE Need long tubes? -3/3/16

i’m in for 1x NW

Im in for an additional 2 extra
1x 1A
1x 3C

Greetz, Haxquiz

1x 3C, please.

An offer that I can’t refuse :smiley:

1 x 1a
1 x 3c



my wife told me that mine is sitting on the dining room table

I will take some photos and lumen measurements tonight :slight_smile:

Little! I was expecting it to be a much larger light. lol

I seem to remember saying the same thing in kronos review.

Edit. Me thinking it was bigger than it was.

It really is a tiny light about the same size as an X6 but different too. I can't explain it but you see the difference.

Looks like you have your work cut out for you. Kronos and I need our reviews on our desks by morning :bigsmile: (Just kidding....tomorrow afternoon is ok. LOL)

Is this light safe to run with non imr battery chemistry? I currently only have Panasonic ncr18650b, Sanyo UR18650A, Sony US18650GR, LG LGDAS31865. If I need to get imr batteries to run with this what are you recommendations.

There is a simple solution to this. If we can get 250 buyers, then include an extra copper board with each light. Charge an extra dollar or two if needed.

If it’s only pulling 4 amps (or less with the XML2 emiter upgrade) any of those cells will work just fine.

Thank you. For future reference how many amps does a flashlight need to pull before I would need imr cells?

It varies. From memory most NCRA’s and NCRB’s are only good for 6A continious draw.
If I were you I’d be considering Panasonic BD’s . They are high capacity and high discharge (10 amp continuous) but despite the link they are actually unprotected cells, so you must be careful not to discharge under 2.5V.
If you don’t want the hassle of worrying about the voltage of your cells stick with protected ones.
It’s usually only modded lights that pull high amps from a single cell when you need IMR, but alot of people prefer IMR to ensure they are getting the maximum performance out of their light (due to the higher internal resistance associated with protected cells)

If you want protected here in the states

If you want unprotected....

Well folks, three samples that we have received so far are woefully lacking in the amps department…about 2 amps…sheesh. :Sp

Other inconsistincies exist when compared to the stock D80 as well. And that, folks, is why we are requiring samples before production!

The remaining two samples should be delivered today. We’ll see how those perform and see how GearBest/LuckySun responds to our findings.

Stay tuned…this is where it gets…um…fun.


Oh boy when will they ever surprise us and overperform :bigsmile:

Oh geez, it’s the X6 bullcrap all over again. Change the emitter and it pulls half the amps, makes perfect sense.
If this doesn’t pull 4 amps like the stock one, I’ll just cancel my order and get an older (and brighter lol…) XML U2 version.
Let’s not go panic stations just yet though, full faith in Krono!!!

Pute down for one CW… it will be the my first light purchase for this year :smiley:

Faith and patience - exactly!

NOBODY knew about the spec change in XM-L2 when the X6 GB was occurring. We are wiser now. I do not know about the discrepancies that Kronos is referring to for the D80-SE but I DO know that he will look for a solution - and find it.

We as a group have shown the manufacturers that of they listen and adapt then they will benefit. That is not lost on our vendors either. I believe that Karen will get LS to listen...but it may take a bit of time and persuasion :)