GB BLF LuckySun D80-SE Need long tubes? -3/3/16

Like 1300 otf lumens with an intense hot spot and pretty good throw, right? And around the same size as EE X6, maybe a bit smaller? It does sound like it will kick butt.

So it turns out Chuckhov I’m just handy man smart not college smart. :wink: But what I’m gathering from that info is basically anything above the line or locus is not a true naturally emitted color of light? Therfore nasty to look at whilst creeping around in the dark?

I think that it means that anything that doesn’t lie on that Blackbody Radiation line is not a true “white” color. However, it seems that most prefer to error on lower side of the line rather than deal with the green tints above.

Also, just to add to the discussion. I prefer somewhat rosy/orange tints simply because I’m red color deficient. I literally need more red light to be able to see red items at night more clearly. Everyones’ eyes and brain interpret colors differently so it makes sense that we all prefer different things.

Oh I wasn’t seeing that dotted line before. I thought it was the line between the c’s and d’s. Man I would like to try a 2a or d! :smiley:


The dotted line is the BBL and represents the color of an ideal Black Body Radiator at any given Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) - In other words, the line represents as White as you are going to get at any given temperature.

Please see:

As the sun transverses the sky we see the sun as being white when directly overhead, then as it gets lower yellow, then orange and down to red as it sets. - Not at any time of the day do I ever see a Green Sun, so yes - I would say that green is ‘not natural looking’ for a light source - Of course YMMV:-)

Now - You wanna hear something really strange? - Outside, in the real daytime world where no artifical is needed, Green is my Favorite color! - Go figure! :wink: “Forest Green” to be exact, but I like most of them.

Now, I can only speak for myself here, but when I look at the Cree color chart I can’t really point to any place on it that I would call ‘pure white’. When I look at, for instance 3D on the chart, and then actually switch on a 3D light, I see two different things.

The 3D flashlight actually looks ‘whiter’ to me than what I see on the chart. - But the chart is meant to be a guideline, and it it’s what we got.

Thanks to our very own ToyKeeper for hosting the chart!

Myself, being somewhat fickle, I tend to want a variety of tints in my flashlight arsenal, ranging from the Noon Day Sun, to the “Magic” hour of photography… the hour just before sunset. - And I find that approach gives me more excuses to buy more lights, which can only be a good thing! :slight_smile:

Take care,


Education is a cultural matter, and can not be directly correlated with Intelligence.

Education is the opposite of Ignorance.

Smart (high potential) is the opposite of Dumb (low potential), neither having anything to do with “Book Learning” :slight_smile:

I can see when someone is ‘smarter than the average bear’ cuz they stick out in a crowd like a sore thumb…

Have a great day,

Just for the record and not to correct anything here: the sunlight does not follow the BBL during the day. It does not start out at 3000K in the morning, heating up to 5700K at noon, and cools down to 3000K at sunset (and cools with loud hissing noise to sea water temp when it dunks into the sea ). The different colour temperatures originate from for every wavelength different absorption, reflection and scattering of light in the atmosphere, the resulting spectrum varies with the different angles that the sunlight hits the atmosphere. If the varying spectrum over the course of the day more or less follows the BBL at all, that is mere coincidence.

Good points!

Yes, I think it’s pretty much a given that the Sun really doesn’t give a Rat’s Ass about the Earth, and how it appears to us.

The Sun is just gonna be the Sun, without regards to us at all. - Scary, isn’t it:-)

That’s life,

Haha! Me too especially on vehicles with a little bit of flake mixed in. I picked my guitar because of the color. It’s like an opaque forest green. I figured I could always swap the electronics if it didn’t sound right!

The Oslon Square 90+CRI is a bit greenish, compared to the Nichia 219A 90+CRI which is the well-liked rosy (comparable colour temp). And I hereby admit that I really like that Oslin tint. In high CRI everything is different!

Remember correlation is not causation. Just because two things seem to change at a rate in proportion to each other, it doesn’t mean they really have any relation to each other. If so, we would then “prove” that the reduction in the number of pirates is causing global warming: File:PiratesVsTemp(en).svg - Wikipedia

I also don’t even know this to be a true correlation: where did you find data saying people living at higher elevation have better eyesight? In any case the usual suspects are more “primitive” groups who eat more antioxidants, exercise more, and look into the distance more, all of which are definitely beneficial to eyesight. But, I doubt there is a true correlation here with cataracts even so, since UV radiation is the most damaging to vision, and as you increase elevation you thin out your atmospheric cover for UV filtration and encounter more UV radiation. Remember, there are many complicating factors making assumptions based on correlations dangerous. Even this whole idea you present with “indoor people” having more cataracts of people you know, it is very possible that people spending more time outdoors always take their sunglasses along (blocking all UV radiation, the main cause of cataracts), while “indoor people” tend to not take sunglasses when they go out as much, increasing their exposure. Heck maybe the “indoor people” spend more time staring at blue light screens…

I agree with the idea that being cautious is not a guarantee of avoiding disaster, but don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater, instead look at calculated risks. Yes your young doctor was exercising to be healthy, but rock climbing has a lot of other risks associated with it! So he’s reducing one risk set, and increasing another…and paid for it. If he had just exercised in moderation instead with both aerobic and strength training workouts in a safe setting, maintained a healthy weight, never smoked, lead a stress free life and ate well…he may have still been hit by a bus.

But, 1,000 of non-risk taking him on average are definitely going to live longer than 1,000 people who don’t…you can’t eliminate all risks, but why not reduce the ones you can? Even so, its just a light either way, so get whichever you like: you’d be 1,000,000x better served losing weight, stopping smoking, increasing exercise, stopping texting while driving, etc.

Is this close to what you have?

Jubeldum, I think it was this one Cutter-XHP70-20-40E3-90

The main LED page says it was Spectral Tested at 96 CRI. They say on the main page that it’s a K4 5000K in the 3A tint bin.

Does anyone know of a good holster that would work on this light?

thank you thank you thank you!! :smiley:
I forgot I had flux application enabled, it’s 12:30 am, so application made my system very warm.
After disabling it and watching sample photos again - they look more like what I expected. :smiley:

Anyway… I just bought 3 A6 lights. One for somebody else, but still I have 2 lights. And some old 2 convoys S2… I don’t need another flashlight. It’s like having a backup light for backup light for emergencies. In both car and home. Why, oh why I have clicked on this thread?!
I’m starting to get a feeling that registering on this forum will have long term consequences.:smiley:

kronological, could you sign me up for one 5B…?

Well…I don’t know…I mean…it is such a hassle…OK…I’ll do it! :stuck_out_tongue:

Starting from top left and going clockwise: 3D BLF A6, 1A BLF A6, Dedomed 5B TRJ-12 (on medium), 5A BLF A6

Remember, the 5B here is DEDOMED, so much warmer.

Looks to be a higher bin than what Mouser has.

So here is what the BLF A6 does to a path at night, you can see a lot more color than with CW lights:

However, with my dedomed 5B1, the colors appear more “accurate” and pleasing to my eyes:

First, can I recommend downsizing? Those are too big to see on the screen.

Second, can I ask if that was with your phone? Do you have manual settings? Difficult to say what we’re seeing without some settings information. Essentially, if the trail is being lit up so brightly at night why not just walk in the daytime? :stuck_out_tongue:

From what I can tell, the color does look pretty decent in those. Not knowing the setting, I honestly can’t estimate the quality of light though. You’d have to be the judge on that.