I’m very interested by the price doesn’t seem that good to me. The 50pcs price sure but the 20 pcs price, seems like I could just wait a month or two till another vendor has these and drives the price down to lower than that.
What time frame are we looking at on this?
IDK maybe it’s just me but it doesn’t seem like the premium price is just for a light who’s only real claim to anything is the nice coated aspheric lens, other than that the driver/UI is just run of the mill and it’s just another new budget brand body. I’m not saying it’s not a quality light, that’s why I’m so interested in it in the first place, but I don’t think it warrants the premium price it’s currently sold at and I don’t think that $50 is a good deal for a GB, hell look at the SWM GB that just ended from Illumn. If you want to charge premium prices for your lights you need to give premium sized discounts for your loyal customers in group buys and such…