Got a SingFire 348 in yesterday, the driver has a R18 resistor now, in stead of the R50 it had previously.
It’s considerably brighter than before.
(i mean it WAS brighter, until the driver decided to die on me…
I was modding it (XP-L), potted the pill with epoxy and then decided to put on a taller spring, after which it never worked again…
Probably not the driver’s fault…)
I wonder if the BLF version will have the R18 in it.
quick question. are there any modes on this or does it just come one at 200+ lumens. want to get them for some doctors and a med student I know to look at eyes/throat etc, but think it may be too bright??
Now I’m reading the nitecore site which is recommending 4 lumens for pupil dilation which definitely seems lower than the generic pen lights I used to use as an EMT though it was so many years ago. I could just be remembering incorrectly.
There is also something about blue light safety, I think it has to do with little or no UV which can damage the eye up close like that. The MT06MD is certified safe for that. Also, be aware that there are two versions of the MT06MD, one with a pupil scale on the side, and one without. Same price.