GBGB: 4th batch of BLF-348 (Classy and Small 1xAAA Stainless Steel light, with Nichia NVSW219B-V1 R9050) - Coupon published!

Possibly without box, but I can take what it’s available… and thanks for coordinating :wink:

In for four.

No box. No preference on engraving.

I’d prefer 1 engraved no box, but would be happy with whichever

1 engraved no box, please
Thank you!

Would be keen to buy 3 with or without engraving, no gift box.

I would buy 4 without engraving and no box.

I’d take two, one with gift box, one without the box.

In for 4 of the non-engraved, without gift box

Engraved or not?

Hello interested in 1 blf engraving without gift box.

No engraving.

In for 2 please

No box, no engraving

64 lights so far on the new interest list.

I’ll commit to at least two. No box. With or without engraving.
Might want more.

2 engraved 1 box

I’m down for at least five no box. I bought 12 before and flew threw them, giving them out as Christmas gifts.

Engraved or not?

Oops, not engraved.

2 engraved, no box

Is this back on again?
Wowsers, run 5!