First post! Woohoo
Just posting to say g’day, I’m here because my SO is really into flashlights and I want to see what all the fuss is about.
Anyway, this seems like a cool forum
First post! Woohoo
Just posting to say g’day, I’m here because my SO is really into flashlights and I want to see what all the fuss is about.
Anyway, this seems like a cool forum
Hey mate welcome
Where are you from?
It's a pleasure to know you, some username!
Welcome to BLF!
That is quite some username, some username
What does “my SO” mean ?
Probably "my significant other."
Welcome to BLF! This is definitely more than just a flashlight forum. You don’t have to be addicted to flashlights to come here and enjoy the daily interaction with these great people! So, is your SO a member of BLF already?
Ah now SO makes sense thanks
Hey how are you doing, welcome to BLF!
Welcome to BLF!
So now the hunt is on for the BLF-identity of SO :laughing:
Thanks guys! Everyone is so friendly
My SO is a secret
SO = Baymax hugging a torch…?
Welcome :disguised_face:
Welcome some username to BLF don’t be blinded by the light of flashlight I think there’s more than this. have a good looking
Welcome to BLF some username! This certainly is a cool forum.