Gearbest Daily Deal Updated: March 16th 2021/ Baseus LED Flashlight $21.99 with the code: GBREAKER

Why no free shipping???

I see free shipping on the items? Maybe not for Slovenia

Hi koyotee, which products for you is no free shipping, but on product page it says freeshiping , I will check it for you

For the ganzo g704

pm you for checking

Is your site down? Can't get it to show up - spinning and spinning.... All the usual sites work fine.

GearBest - before this, I'm trying to get access to my tickets and can't. GearBest either doesn't respond to them, or the links they provide in emails don't work --- totally disgusted... Is your customer service web services broken? Wuz up?

Hi Tom E, I’m really sorry about it, Pmed you for checking

I’m experiencing some issue with my tickets also.
I login into my account just fine but can’t see any tickets.
I tried Opera, Chrome and IE, still no visible tickets.
Before was ok.

Yes, same here. "My Tickets" never shows a listing of my tickets -- hhmm, named like it should... Only way I've been able to see my tickets is individually, directly linked from the emails. You must know the ticket # in order to access it. I submitted a ticket about this issue, either they did not respond or the link from my emails do not work.... Very frustrating......

I submitted two tickets on an order that is in the "processing" state for like two weeks - trying to find out what's goin on. It's this light:

Says ships in 3-5 days, and it's now 15 days --- Help!!! Maybe you can check on this specific product and find out about it's being in stock or not, or if it's been dropped?

With Firefox, it’s OK.

“My Account”“My Tickets”>“Check my tickets >>”Email or Ticket:” If you put email address it display all tickets


Hi Gearbest,

Yes! - I too want a Blue Convoy S2+ with a XM-L2 1A emitter, please.

Thank you,

ww - got that working in IE as well, as long as I get into the site through a direct link and not the homepage.

Never noticed the "email" option before - weird because I'm logged in. So double entry of email gets you list, cool! I found all my inaccessible tickets this way! Thanks antiparanoico!!

Direct link to “Check my tickets >>”:

GearBest’s New Arrival : Nitecore TM16 Ultra Long Ranged LED Flashlight

Good News!!! GearBest AGE OF ULTRATECH great promotion for brands products is online now

new deal today :wink:

SHARP EAGLE ZQ - SH - 05 CREE XPE 3 Modes 600Lm Flashlight, special price: $4.85

It's listed as having a stainless steel bezel - is that correct? It doesn't look like SS in the pictures.

Is that pricing a mistake? If not, that is pretty dang impressive for a Nightcore.

I got the T43 in from GearBest - be careful with this one. Lots of hype. It's cheapened down, no more stainless steel - the bezel is aluminum. Can be a nightmare to mod - there is a little see-thru window below the switch that has a plastic c-thru plug in it (to see green/red statuses) that prevents you from removing the threaded body. The bezel, though now made from aluminum, still has the same awful threading quality the original T08 has - threads don't match up well, not many threads, etc. On mine, the body tube thread to the pill/head was glued - I was able to crack it open, found out you can simply push in the c-thru plastic piece that was blocking the unthreading, then when I went to unscrew the body - really bad cross-threading - could not get it to un-screw clean. Forced it with piles of aluminum dust coming out. Now I have it apart but with little threading left. If I mod this one, I'd have to probably epoxy it together, or maybe try alum or copper tape, dunno yet - it's pretty bad.

Keeping it pure stock, you won't have or see these issues. But stock, it has a pretty poor tail assembly that has high resistance - two long spring for each cell, and a P60-like spring below that for allowing the cell negative contacts to spin around on a PC board - the P60 size spring is the electrical contact between the tail PC board and the body.

I don't know why, but they continued on the poor threading from model to model.

Thanks antiparanoico, now I can see all of my tickets :slight_smile: