Gearbest selling fraudulent AWT batteries

LOL :smiley: no the fake AWT “style” batteries is NOT any Samsung batteries. It is the authentic AWT batteries that all evidence point to are Samsung batteries.

The fake AWT “style” is probably just some crap Ultrafire with an AWT label on it.

I don’t care about the batteries, my interest is in Gearbest.

None of my dealings with Gearbest involves batteries, and I have no interest in AWT, but I am interested in Gearbest as a retailer in general, and this thread is about Gearbest.

If you don’t like Gearbest then don’t use them, it is them same with all these cheap seller online some products are crap some are good, you just have to learn how to know how to find the good deals available, and that is why many of us are here at BLF to learn just that :slight_smile:

You don’t understand, I am trying to learn about Gearbest from this thread, that is why it is annoying that the original topic of Gearbest and it’s honesty in it’s selling, keeps getting hijacked, and diverted.

These Gearbest customers seem unhappy with Gearbest.


And when you get burned from bad products from internet retailers, you always have paypal protection if you can’t work it out with the seller.
Sooner or later we will all run in to it, but it is no big deal your handle it & move on.

It comes with the territory & is nothing to get upset about. And if paypal doesn’t agree with you there is always credit card charge back.

brad, if you read the posts by Tom E. and Old Lumens above and in several other topics, and search a bit, I think you’ll discover that one single new topic isn’t going to give you the clear bright line yes or no answer you seem to desire.

It’s more complicated than that.

This may help: NameBright - Coming Soon

Nobody who’s read, say, the counterfeit S2+ thread, or any of the other threads, thinks the suppliers we have here are unaware and unsuspecting.
Some of them have some employees who are are well intentioned, and some of them have buyers they’ve fired after people here caught fakes, and the support desks are a whole different universe entirely.

Look at some of the pictures in that PDF and think, the next time you’re downwind of a big industrial power plant or a large commercial aircraft, that they too are riddled with counterfeit parts.

It’s a constant worldwide effort to detect and correct a huge amount of fraud.

You won’t get one bright shining perfect supplier.

Well, except maybe … but I won’t name names. We all know who we can trust, and who we consider part of the lottery.

And we gamble, yes we do.

There is also nothing wrong with this thread topic about AWT batteries and Gearbest.

Give it a rest, and there is no reason to block this thread.

Gamble is a very good description on what you do when you try to buy cheap stuff online, but unlike normal gambling you can raise your odds of not losing a lot by doing research before buying. But it is almost impossible to be 100% sure of anything in an industry with so many middle men. If you want 100% assurances of anything you have buy big numbers directly from manufacturers & oversee the production your self :wink:

Otherwise on some level it is mostly a gamble, fortunately for us paypal has rigged the game in the buyers favor, and that is why many sellers hate paypal with an passion.

I though you didn’t care about AWT batteries……

What hank & i are talking about IS gearbest & other internet sellers like them.

What is with you guys and the hostility, the thread is about Gearbest, not AWT or batteries in general, it is about whether we can trust buying from Gearbest.

You seem to be taking this entirely too personal, and getting too personal, let us discuss Gearbest.

Imo thread should be closed.

OP’s question has been proven that GB sells “AWT” style batteries and are not the real thing.

We can all agree that GB is a hit or miss with service and that includes the majority of the other overseas vendors.

A dedicated thread discussing the legitimacy of AWT manufacturing their own cells should be made to further discuss that issue. It’ll help prevent clogging up review threads n such.

That’s my 2 cents.

post was about Herbert selling fraudulent AWT batteries, why all the contempt for AWT and Grace who neve re came on here spamming and only posted because I asked her to,and what if they are rewrapps?at worst case you get a good battery I don’t see anyone attacking efest just AWT and Grace did do what very few chinese sellers do she sent her batteries right to HKJ to get tested ,how many chinese manufacturers do you know doing that?I joined this forum because of the freindly attitude of the memebers who refrained from personal attacks and belittling people wow I guess I was wrong?

Oh, that’s your question? You’ve put it too narrowly, as the answer is true for most of the sellers, not specific to Gearbest.

The answer is no. Trust is not an option.

It is always a gamble, and they usually don’t know what they are selling.

They may never even lay hands on the item.

That’s why you see such extensive discussion of everything. It’s how we and_they find out what they’re selling.

And you can’t rely on getting the same thing if you re-order the exact same item from the same supplier. See above.

A fellow named Reagan put it this way: trust but verify.

Want to see verify work wonders? Look at some of the other topics.

When that effort is made, we get outstandingly wondeful results.

Of course you have to keep watching every single item that comes in, because see above.

I don’t know why you think that not spamming is anything Grace should get credit for? If she had spammed she would be banned instantly. The mark as spam button is directly connected to account banning if enough users are pressing it against a spamming user, it result in an automatic ban of the account without any mod (Sb :laughing: have to do anything.

Grace isn’t a normal user here, she is a representative of AWT & a commercial seller who want to sell us stuff, and every user here is accountable for what they say & if they say something that isn’t true someone can & probably will call them on it.

For example me, if i ever say something that isn’t correct i want to be corrected because i never intend to be false or inaccurate so please set me straight if i have misunderstood something, but in the case of AWT the jury is still out………we will know more when the rest of HKJ’s AWT’s reviews are published, you all know what i suspect, but i want to be surprised :wink: maybe they do have some hidden gems yet that are not rewrapps.

And as far as i know sending batteries directly to HKJ is exactly what many Chinese battery “manufacturers” do. I know for a fact that Efest & Windyfire do so, and i am sure more of them do it, it is in there best interest to do so. Call it free advertising perhaps because discerning buyers like myself want to see how new cells perform under various loads before we buy, and if they are good they get a lot of free promotion online like some of the cells i have mentioned in this thread for example.

I am sorry if you don’t agree with my opinion on AWT light junkie but it is only my opinion, there is nothing personal but my loyalty is to the budget consumers of this forum & not the manufacturers, i will not hide any information even if some commercial seller will find that information uncomfortable to read & be discussed. For example at worst case (because most AWT cells are good quality cells) you don’t only get a good cell you also are paying for it several times more than the original unwrapped cell, that is a fact i think most budget conscious buyer wants to know & the commercial seller rather don’t want to be discussed.

And if Efest had come here claiming they manufacture all there batteries & was later found to not be true, i am sure they would also be criticized for it, nothing of this is personal against only AWT or Grace.

> trust?



No Hank, as you keep working to hijack the thread away from it’s subject, it is about the question of whether we can trust buying from Gearbest.

I cannot figure out why you seem to have such a strong motivation to destroy the topic of this thread, but you do seem obsessed with doing so, and you have succeeded in doing so.

At least two of them, they did succeed in hijacking the thread into anything but the subject, and man did they put a lot of energy into it.

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well, Brad and DanielM, all I can say is, bless your hearts.

You can include everyone that wanted to stay on the topic, rather than squelch it.