They claimed they weren’t rewrappers multiple times & then when HKJ tested their latest battery we all found out that they where totally lying
I will NOT trust anything they or there representatives are saying again.
I have no problem with Efest or Keeppower that aren’t claiming they are not rewraping or any other rewrapers, it is that AWT is lying about it that i really can’t stand
Never had any AWT batteries but why are they quick to say that someone is not an authorized dealer but do not supply us with a list of authorized dealers?
I agree with the others...Samsungs, LG's, Panasonics, Sanyos, Efest, Evva, Keeppower have always treated us well. No need to add a difficult to find name to the list unless carried by Richard (RMM) or Calvin (CalvinIS)
I did not rwlize HKJ found them to be rewrapps but the op was about Gearbest selling fraudulent batteries which were unprotected high drains and Iam waiting for Grace to respond as o did ask her about the rewraps.also Grace did say Fasttech and IMR are their auntorized dealers Iam waiting to see what she has to say before I have anymore to say but I have heard their 26650 batteries were hitting 75 amps on Burts and over 40 amps continously please read username juggles 262 response
I wouldn’t say that HKJ has found them to be rewraps, because he hasn’t said that, BUT if you compare the AWT 2600mha 40A to the Samsung 25R cyan i am sure most will draw the same conclusion as i and many with me did. That they are rewraping the 25R in the AWT 2600mha 40A & even at 0.1A they can’t do 2600mha because it isn’t a 2600mha battery. It is a Samsung INR18650-25R 2500mha cell inside.
So double lie, about that they are making the cells themselves & are NOT rewrapping + they are straight up lying about the capacity, No one will get 2600mha out of the AWT 2600 cell………
I will look forward to see HKJ’s AWT 26650 75A pulse 40A continuous, review also.
Tom E. may have explained what’s going on, in the review thread. I asked for clarification and quoted his description of buying the Samsung “core” and putting it in the metal shell, if I understand him correctly — that’s more than just adding the shrinkwrap.
It might also explain how workers can have their “hands become black as soon as they touch the battery” — if the cores are bought unsealed or the contents is leaky?
@hank, “Poor Chinese AWT workers in produce line……. Their hands become black as they touch the battery….” yeah i was also taken aback by that statement, it sounded just horrible, so i was relieved to realize that they probably are just rewrapers, and i really hope that is just some strange boast & a bad joke & not an indication on how horrible they are treating the factory workers
Yeah that could be it, but i am not convinced yet, and by there own description it sound hazardous, and for what? They don’t get more performance than the other rewrapper………
you are right about everything you said ,either way I was originally posting to show that Gearbest is knowingly and intentionally misleading consumers and I am only trying to help people be aware I would appreciate if some one would tell me before I bought clones of clones,again let’s wait and see grace’s rebutted at least give her a chance before pronouncing her guilty
When a system rewards “A” people will act to maximize “A”
The govt/business culture is very (take it when you can) orented aka (opportunism/corruption) is a major issue.
What ever the business owners/managers are doing is very deliberate, I just dont see a laissez faire style of managment as being broadly used or adopted.
For what is worth i have a couple of these [awt 18650 2600] which i purchased from fasttech. They are genuine and very good cells but agree they look exactly the same as the samsung 25r on HKJ,s comparitor. If i cut the wrapper off one will it be easily identified as a samsung?
Sure, everyone is learning how to do capitalism by studying the masters — the people who wrecked the world economy in the 1930s and the 1990s.
Faking crap is part of how they play with us; e.g.: European Car Emission Tests Faked by Auto Makers, Study Claims
It’s not the only way to run the world.
Look at the mutual benefits arising from the group design and quailty control happening — as here.
Yeah, there will be people looking for newer and better ways to rip people off, too.
Focus on the details, find out the facts — “don’t mourn, organize.”
That works better than demanding someone fix everything that’s broke and forbid whatever can’t be fixed.
First. Sorry but my English is very bad and translator use.
That picture refers to the recycling of electronic waste in China, some years ago. Original press article could not find it.
I don’t have any reason to believe or say that is related to the company we are talking about, it was just in relation to dirty work done for some Chinese workers.
how this post went so far off the original point,but we ended up in working conditions ,politics,and slandering a company and a knowledgeable honest rep Grace who did not give us any hype or hyped up high capacity batteries like xx-fires dealmetic 5000mah 18650s her and the companies claims were verified by HKJ and she did not come on forum spamming, She posted her batteries at my request she didn’t even want to post here why such disdain and contempt for the company?If they are selling rewrapps they aren’t doing anything that keepower o light and other manufacturers are not doing.?!Also please look at some of the vaping forums some of the highly sought batteries are the authentic AWTS .I consider Grace a friend and a honest sincere person who shared with me she was heart broken and would not return here,I joined this forum because of the friendliness of memebers here .
Ps as far as price on the batteries they are very low it’s the shipping that costs the most
Grace Iam sorry this happned .