Gearbest selling fraudulent AWT batteries


I am sorry if grace have taken this personally, but she claimed things that wasn’t true.

You said your self that “you are right about everything you said” after i posted the evidence from HKJ’s test.

But now you even say they don’t exaggerate capacity when they clearly are doing that in the AWT 2600 40A batteries.

I don’t agree that pointing out these facts are slander or that HKJ’s test are verifying their claim at all, but as i said before everyone can draw there own conclusion.

The difference with AWT & the other rewrappers like Keeppower is that AWT claim they themselves are manufacturing these cells. If they didn’t they wouldn’t be questions about it when tests are showing striking similarities with known Samsung cells.

And don’t forget that AWT are also selling the Ultrafire brand batteries in there alibaba store, that you also seem to know is of very poor quality & with exaggerated capasity .

I am sorry she was offended, but as I see it her conduct here was not honest OR she is not knowledgeable about what cell are in the AWT cells or both. And I will gladly be proven wrong if that is the case.

I don’t have anything against rewrappers, and i don’t think anyone has, it is great to get more availability of cells all over the world. But that is as long as they don’t claim things that is verifiable very questionable like the identical performance of the 25R & AWT 2600 40A that there representative here claim AWT manufactured.

AWT has every opportunity to redeem themselves, they can always sell cells that have performance that can’t be found anywhere else. Or stop saying they made them & declare the cell inside like some rewrappers do openly & i don’t think they lose any sales from that.

Just as an example, for example Efest a known rewrapper sell the Efest IMR10440 350mha cells with performance that can’t be found anywhere else, that in my eyes proves that at least some of Efest cells are unique in the market place.
And Windyfire released their 14500 10A cell that also raised the bar on performance in the form factor.
Soshine sells a 26650 3.7V 5500mAh cell, that is the biggest so far & with good performance.

So we know that Chinese manufacturers can make cells that are very good, and i hope we will see some cells from AWT with world beating performance very soon.

But as long as they are selling rewraps claiming to be something they are not I personally will have my doubts about them, and i will look forward to the day when they have changed my mind about them :slight_smile:

So, is Gearbest selling AWT batteries?

No, that is what this thread is about. To inform about gearbest’s fake AWT “style” batteries.

The authentic AWT cells are good cells, but the AWT “style” cells are crap cells.


only the fakes

I’m in full agreement that the original thread topic needs to be focused on.

I have mentioned the 25R several times in this thread.

And this is a budget forum and i just want to point out that speaking of Gearbest, they don’t have the AWT 2600mha 40A only the fake “style” version.

But they do have the Samsung INR18650-25R 2500mha for $3.72

And if someone want the Authentic Aweite AWT 2600mha 40A they can buy them from Fasttech for $9.89

EDIT I just realized that the Fake AWT style gearbest batteries cost more (from the OP link $7.91/2=$3.96 for one) than the real Samsung 25R :wink:
That is crazy it cost the fakers more(or they charge more at least) to make a faked crap version of a rewrapped cells than buying the original cell.

Caveat Emptor

here spamming and she is much more knowledgeable than any o there vendors spamming up these forums and she went straight to have her a terrier tested so at worst we are getting great batteries that have great performance and at really good prices whether or not they are rewrapps they are still solid batteries and if AWTS are rewrapps Grace never knew or did anything intentionally to be dishonest,Iran how many other resources for Chinese batteries come talking 6000mah 18650 batteries for 3.00$ a piece and are complete crap? at least AWTS rating are Fairley close to their claimed specs .So at worse case scenario we have rewrapps from well known and performing batteries and at best we have a new manufacturer of good solid performing batteries ?

One thing we know — companies don’t know what they’re selling.

If digging out information about the real source, and the real quality control, happens here — GearBest will maybe benefit.

Because we know GearBest doesn’t do their own quality control or due diligence very well. They’re new at it.

Maybe they’ll get better. They need to learn what questions to ask, if so.

Sure, that’s entirely possible. If AWT sent Grace here to defend their reputation without information about how they work — that happens.

Companies do that all the time, listen for “I would like to tell you …” in PR from any big company.
That often means “I have a script I am reading, but I don’t know personally….”

Tom’s suggestion is possible: AWT may buy Samsung “cores” and “wrap” those in the metal shell, then putting their shrinkwrap on.

If so Grace can find out and tell us. That would be useful.

Handling cores not yet sealed — would explain what Grace has seen in their factory:

Handling unsealed cores could also explain Grace’s comment:

Perhaps they’re trying different materials, trying to improve the batteries — though that scares me more than anything else I’ve imagined here.
Increase the output by using a different membrane to wrap up the reactants?
That’s — not safe.

Or, of course, this could all be just PR-gone-wrong, and nobody has located the factory yet.

Time will tell.

It looks like Gearbest is selling fake AWT batteries, and doing it knowingly.

Wide variety of colors and names pre-printed, or buy the blank ones and print whatever you want on them.

“Pantone color match ” — get the exact color you’re trying to match.

This example from this seller says “Panasonic”:

You can go a long way with this product:

Why are you so opposed to the idea that Gearbest is selling AWT batteries that AWT says are not theirs?

Why are you working so to avoid the thread topic?

Eh? I raised the question, on August 8th: Gearbest: Samsung Wrapper -- what's inside? Opinions and descriptions vary (seems likely all OK)

(later we found out it’s not an authentic wrapper)

How many threads do you need and how separate do you want to keep each narrow discussion?

Conversations are like cats — hard to sweep up and keep exactly where you want them.

See also: More Fake Convoys from Gearbest.

Yes, but you could also say that Gearbest are selling the Samsung 25R for much cheaper than the premium price that the AWT 2600mha 40A are charging for them.

At least Gearbest are honest about their dishonesty :wink: when called up on it, they readily confess about that the product are NOT authentic. And when asked about it they confirm with product are authentic like there Samsung cells for example.

That something i would like more sellers adopt, that means if you are a stupid consumer that don’t read the fine print you are only cheating yourself, like in the well known Ultrafire cells case, where a tiny bit of research will show them to be total crap.

You sure work hard to squelch this thread and keep it off topic.

No one is opposed to this at all, I have also raised the issue before this tread , it is just that this have already been discussed in the HKJ battery request thread for example & are already known, even gearbest are confessing on there own sales page to it, so it is not like they are hiding it.

The question is why are you working so hard to keep us from discussion AWT’s questionable behavior?

Or you could just say that Gearbest is knowingly selling fake AWT batteries, it seems that when called on it, instead of ending the practice, they merely added the word “style” which doesn’t help most purchasers who see the AWT battery photo and receive what appears to be an AWT battery.

Right now, on this thread, my interest is in learning more about Gearbest, not all the other diversions.

Look at the thread topic, it is a very precise topic, and where has Gearbest confessed anything? They are selling fake AWT batteries.

And you know they were fakes — how?

Your interest isn’t the only interest here.

That isn’t much of a defense.

The label is fake, and they started using the word “style” after originally just selling them without that word.