1. Just post a link to a led flashlight that you liked/wanted at GB (and NOT necessarily at Gearbest site only)
2. A light not carried by Gearbest but wanted them to include in their inventory. (link please)
GAW specifics:
—starts now until December 31, 2018
—Random.org will be used to draw the lucky posts
—as usual, no double-posting…or you are disqualified…just one post is enough
—please do not create another BLF account just for this GAW (be fair to members)
—tatasal reserves the right to amend specifics as deemed necessary going into the end of the gaw.
Post to join and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All…
First of all, Gearbest and tatasal, thank you for this GAW.
You may (not) have heard the name Paul Kim.
He was the long-time head designer for Surefire (you know, $100 for a tube, a switch and a xenon bulb).
But he left and started his own design studio called PK Design Lab.
Unfortunately atm there is just one place left where you can buy PK-lights.
That place is imho the epitomy of a brick and mortar store. I even wonder if they have empty cardboard boxes.
Nitecore EA45S
This is probably the most interesting looking light to me. Unlikely to end up with one anytime soon, but I love that design.
Thanks for doing the giveaway!