GearBEST's Sale . Rovyvon A5 $15.99 . Convoy S21 $15.99

Offers for August 7
Opus BT-C3100 V2.2 LiIon NiCd NiMH
$ 29.99 code: btgbdoo87
Klarus MI7 Titanium
$ 38.99 code: MI7PRO
Code possible for <30$ ? :innocent:
I need a USB-C QC Powerbank

Edit: Or <28$ since it’s regular price on AE is 28.82$ (1$ shipping to germany)

Only 4 pieces in stock, so coupon code can't be made. :(

Oh man, last Saturday it was six month since I have started my own thread on this forum.

I almost forgot about it… :person_facepalming:

To celebrate it, I am planning a giveaway contest.

I am going to work on it today, and present it tomorrow in “Giveaways and Contests” section. :partying_face:

Congrats Fin, nice Job !! :partying_face:


Thanks, Carsten!

That's nice to hear from you.

Thank you also from me Fin17. I found some decent deals thanks to this thread too.

Lii202C not working

Unfortunately the coupon ended.

Why keep on the list,then?.. NEW……

August 8 - Massive Convoy brand sale

Also Nitecore EC21 expired….can you get this renewed?


Fin can you please get a code for the Brinyte B158B - CREE XPL HI V3


Geese, Smittymojo, I'll try

My first Giveaway started!

Participate and win!

Gearbest, what about Manker E02?
When you start to sell it?

Any coupons available for eagle eye x6 ?

Offers for August 10
NCR18650B 3400mAh 18650 - 8PCS
$ 31.59 code: NCRW187
NCR18650B 3400mAh 3.7V 18650 - 4pcs
$ 14.04 code: 50bruli8


The X2R code is “new” but expired, as is the Jetbeam 10180 light, any renewals or chances to take those off the first post?

+2 Nitecore EC21 reinstate code please. Thanks…