Generation II Brass AA / 18650 CREE XM-L2 EDC Flashlight-- Anti-Oxidized Coating

Version II—- Big change is the anti-oxidized coating, More beautiful than first version.

Brass AA link

Brass 18650 link

Any quesion please feel free to ask.


Thanks for making new and different flashlights, I appreciate that!

This one: I'm sure it comes in handy for logo's and lettering, but I still don't like the flat bit on the side of the light.

Beautiful lights!
What are the outputs?

wow very nice lights, they are on my to buy list. Ric when are you going to make an affordable copper light?

Very nice looking flashlights! I wonder how they perform?

Must resist, must not buy

How on earth am I gonna explain these to my wife?
-I just found them on sale at a gas station !
-Wow nice buy some more for my mother

I would like the 18650 one in 100% copper.

get in line

Oh that does look nice. The brass AA and a Fairy, that’s only about $60 shipped.

It still counts budget if it’s under $100, right?

Nice! :bigsmile:
I already have the previous version of the 18650 one, so I should be able to skip that one.
That AA light is much harder to skip tho. At 76mm it would be my shortest AA light. Will have to wait for the initial expressions/reviews of the fastest buyers before making the decision… :slight_smile:

Nice small AA light :slight_smile:
I would like to know how much it weighs?

The AA brass is abount 50 grams, small and handy


The 18650 size is also available with XP-G2. I gave away my first ‘Brass Beauty’, so just ordered another :slight_smile:

And again 18650 version takes only not protected cells, pity. :~
BTW, outer size allows make it protected-compatible…

I had the ThruNite Saber 2014 light lined up as my next keychain light, but now, I find this. It is shorter than the Saber and also has a neutral version. The only thing that keeps me wary of buying it is my previous purchase of CNQG’s DQG AA light. It wasn’t that good. There needed to be more threads in it to make it a viable twisty light.

This is a clicky right?

I wonder which would be better, the XP-G2 or the XM-L2 in the 18650 ?
Or even the warm XP-G R5 ?

XM-L2 is T6 CW
XP-G2 R5 is 5C 4000K NW

XP-G R5 is 7C 3000K WW

Good point to note - these things are a tight fit.

…laptop pulls drop in nicely though :slight_smile:

Panasonic 3400 is gets stuck in my “brass beauty”. :expressionless: