Generation II Brass AA / 18650 CREE XM-L2 EDC Flashlight-- Anti-Oxidized Coating

Yes, the head unscrews. The join is directly after the 3rd (smallest) knurl.

…either that, or my dexterity was heightened greatly after drinking several Wild Turkey 101’s & eating 1/2 a bar of Lindt dark chocolate w/sea salt….

My 18650 XP-G2 has only 3 modes, low-med-hi, with mode memory. I bought it pretty soon after they came out, seems that they have changed the modes a bit after that.

All fixed, the middle star gave me H-M-L.

The head unscrewed easily, I also put a very thin O ring between the body and the head, there is a very thin line visible line where you can see the compressed O ring.

Middle star? What driver do you have? My version is an AK-47 C1, which has four stars.

Just three stars here.

I have AK-47 C1 with four stars in it. If yours has three they should equal star 2-4 on AK47/105c(1. star is dummy).
But I’m not sure about the off-time memory mine has, have not seen that on other standard AK47/105c etc. drivers before.
Custom firmware requires an extra capacitor between star 4(or any other IO if different code) and gnd, but mine hasn’t got one on battery side. Haven’t checked emitter side yet.

My AK-45 C1 has 3 stars now !


The battery tube is a little too short.
I can’t fit an XM-L on a noctigon and a 105C with resistors on both sides
and close it.

Did yours have offtime memory? Found any extra capacitor on the emitter side of the driver ?

My three star drive, give me 5 mode, 2 mode HI-Low and three mode H M L.

Reverse of AK-47 C1

Not sure if it had mode memory.

No memory on mine, starts in low.

They seem to be all over the place.
Forgot to mention that mine is XP-G2.
Your driver looks like standard a AK-47 C, don’t think it had offtime-Memory can’t imagine a way to do so.
In order to solve your space problem you could use 101 4*7135 board, that would gain 350ma, or instead 18500 cell might be an option.

I’ll have to open mine then. Will do it anyway, have some Nichia219b inbound that will make a perfect match :slight_smile:

Thanks Tryps.
It’s an AK-47 C1.
I have no 18500s and around 120 18650s.
I have some assorted drivers to try.
Pity it’s so short.

Totally agree with you a few mm more would be nice to have, but anyway I like look and feeling.
I will flash one of our great forum custom FW on it as soon as I have the new led on my desk.
Will be my edc light for a pretty long time I guess :slight_smile:

Mine is an XPG 2 neutral with 3 stars.

Size comparison against "Convoy S3" and DQG Tiny 18650 (Generation I)

AK-47 C1, needed to solder 3rd star to get 3-mode. No mode memory, always starts on low.

EDIT: Some patina after ~3 months use

Hi, I made a quick review of the 1xAA version of this light:

I’m hoping to get some guidance on the driver, so I can either reflash it or replace it. It doesn’t use the usual attiny13a MCU and I haven’t had any luck identifying the controller.

Also, I got measurements on lumen output and PWM speeds.

Thanks for posting the pre / post wear pictures M3TAL_L0RD. Looks great IMO.

BTW, with my brass AA lights, I found that it took only a couple days for the finish to get darker than my brass 18650 lights. As far as I can tell, the patina follows a pattern… it starts out totally shiny and new-looking, it rapidly gets darker when exposed to finger oils, then it slowly gets lighter again over time with continued exposure. After a while, only the recessed areas look dark.

It’s unfortunate, because I think it looks better with a darker patina, but that kind of wears off after a lot of use so it ends up looking somewhat newer when it’s old than it did when it was only lightly used.

Regardless, if there was anti-patina coating on these AA lights, it didn’t work. And I’m happy about that. :slight_smile: