Give away: Two QLite 7135 x 7 (2.66A) with guppydrv, courtesy of MTN Electronics and myself. EU only.

This giveaway is not as organized as it might sound. I got my order from MTN and I find these two adventurous stowaway drivers that obviously had hitched a ride to Sweden, hoping to travel the globe.

As it’s a hassle with EU customs and shipping costs to send them back, RMM didn’t want them back so here they are for giveaway. I have no use of these at all as I only use my own drivers, so I’ll add to the giveaway with shipping costs but keep it restricted to the EU.

These little globetrotters obviously don’t want to end up collecting dust in a drawer so they need to be sent on, hopefully to a good home where someone will use them. So giveaway rules are that you have shown some interest in modding here at BLF. One post entry, then I’ll use generator.

I haven’t tested them and MTN haven’t sold them to any one. They are for free they come with absolutely no warranty what so ever.

Thanks for the giveaway Mike :slight_smile:
I will take the lucky #1!

Nice! I have too many drivers for now, so I’m not in, but I like it anyway. Thank you!

Count me in.
Thanx for the G.A.W.

Win win: Richard shows he is only human, and there’s two nice drivers to give away. Thanks for the generosity Mike.

These are very nice for some builds, I can not add firmware myself and I love guppydrv, I’m in! :slight_smile:

thanks for the giveaway,nice drivers,i am in.

I never have too many options when it comes to drives !
Thank you !

I hope to finally try guppydrv , so i’m in .

Many thanks

Interesting firmware I haven’t tried yet, I am in. Thanks for the GAW. traveling over Christmas and will be in Europe.

Assuming these are somewhere between 16-32mm in diameter, I am in.

Pro if I’m the lucky one: domestic postage is cheap.
Con: PostNord will probably lose them.

count me in !!

Unless we leave the EU before the drawing . . .

I could use some drivers so I’m in :slight_smile:

Thank you for giveaway.

Count me in, thanks!

I would like to participate, many thanks for this giveaway. Great for Christmas.

Hey, I’m in for these! Been looking to get a driver with guppydrv :slight_smile:
Thanks for the GAW Mike C;)

Thanks , I've never had a QLite driver , curious to see how it works !

I'm in , thank you for your generous Giveaway !

I am in.
Grateful for this gaw.

really cool GAW, I could finally mod my C8. Please count me in.


I’m in. 17mm?