Any member that has signed up to BLF before December 1st 2014 and *who likes eneloops ;)
Now.... until the end of the year (will use to draw the winner sometime around new years eve/day) You`ll have enough time to participate.. I will ship them in the 1st or 2nd week of 2015
little edit here: Please only post once, and your post number will be your # for the draw.
Just post:I want them!
What where? Uhmmm. As long as I can send them to you by economy airmail.
Economy airmail is available for North America, Western Europe, Oceania, and some Asian countries
if you are not sure,just PM me
This is what you get.. only available to the Japanese market, since November 2014!
Good luck!
PS.I`m thinking about doing a special sale on these batteries as well. Kind of a like a Group Buy... More on this later in a new thread.
For people who like eneloops, and want a special deal, I will be having a 1 time special on the Eneloop Forest tones.. starting from today... I will open a new thread soon