Giveaway - Modded Ultrafire C3 from LightsCastle. - Closed - We have a Winner!

The Winner is;


Slim Pickens


Here's an Ultrafire C3. It came from LightsCastle and it is one of the lights they sent me to Review. Thank you LC.


I have only changed the led from an XR-E to a Nichia 219 High CRI. I could not get this light to work with a 14500, so it's now just a single AA light, but it works and draws about 1.5 amps on the Nichia... and it's free.

Anyone who has been a member since 07-15-2013 can post here to be included in the giveaway. will pick the winner on 07-21-2013, sometime during the day.

Good luck!

Count me in :slight_smile:

I’m in :bigsmile:

i’m in. thank you

and Thanks

Me too! :beer:

Count me in!

I am in,thanks.

Thanks Old-Lumens.

Im in!

count me in, please!

count me in thanks

thank you, count me in please :slight_smile:

count me in please :slight_smile:

nice one, count me in pls :slight_smile:

Count me in!
I love the nichia mod!

One mode, sweet! In!

count me in. thanks

In, thanks mate

I’m in. Thanks!