Well Travis never contacted me about shipping and I’m not tracking anyone down for a giveaway. So the new winner is LumenMax. Shoot me an PM and I will get it shipped.
The Winner is travis. Congrats, just PM me your details and I will get them shipped off to you.
Might have a few more giveaways in the coming days. Still have to do some thinning out around here. Nice to make a few people smile in the process.
About that time again. I’d much rather give them away than sell them, much to the dissatisfaction of the wife.
Nothing special and nothing real fancy. Hasn’t been carried much. 5000K Nichia. I have the stock pocket clip and a screw on clip I will include. I don’t remember if this light came with a clear switch boot or not but, ones on there now. I will throw in a lighted switch and a black boot cover in case you may want that. Word of caution. Lighted switches without a bleeder resistor causes Bistro to become next mode memory.
I’m going to throw in not one but two surprise extras. Well I guess it really isn’t a surprise seeing as I’m telling ya but, they are flashlights, one is AA/14500 and the other is of a variable ring design for CR123 or 16340. Both almost new and unmodded.
As usual there is but only one rule. Post “I’m in” and you shall be counted.
We will wrap this one up in two weeks, August 7th.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.