I need help finding/sourcing the glow in the park paint/ powder so i can decorate my flashlights.
Does anyone know good source that have good glow duration?
any help is much appreciated
I need help finding/sourcing the glow in the park paint/ powder so i can decorate my flashlights.
Does anyone know good source that have good glow duration?
any help is much appreciated
Perhaps you considered it already, but I recommend using GITD tape instead, easier to apply, and a very even illumination. Only downside: it is vinyl so it may deform when it gets really hot.
Strontium Aluminate in a large particle size glows best i think but they’re always looking for better improved stuff. Mix with a good quality clear resin.
When mixing i add enough powder to make the mix very thick, maybe 50/ 50 mix or so.
Green glows brighteset/ longest etc…
The vinyl tape works very well too, i used some on my Meteor under the bezel
Sorry can’t help with suppliers in your area though
Glo inc
No idea how the international issues work out, but I used GITD paint from glow-on.com to do this:
They sell through Amazon in the US, so maybe they do over your way too.
How long does this stuff last?
Quite a while, especially since its painted into a ~3000 lumen triple. Just like any other GITD stuff the brightest glow fades off in a few minutes but the residual glow lasts for a while. I’m sorry I don’t have specifics but I’ve never timed it.
I see… the website says the individual charges will last for hours for up to 15 years. Looks interesting.
Buy the best and latest glow in the dark tape on banggood.com offer the quality glow in the dark tape on sale with worldwide free shipping. | Shopping
Which part of the flashlight do you apply the GTID? On the Optical lens ?
How it react with intense heat?
Depends on how much room you have, but I put Glow strips/dots on the board, strips around the base of the board and around the bottom of the optic, inside the head. Also on the outside of the body…
I use Glow-On Vinyl Tape, and I also use the paint and powder but not as much, use it to do fill ins, Glo-On is the best I have found and I tried them all!
I have not had any problems with Heat and I run many Triples and Quads… Purchase - Glow-On
Woww, those are awesome lights.
Thanks for the reply. Will definitely look into those glow on thing.