What was it? Lol
Same question! What was it? :sunglasses:
1 a : lost, ruined lost looks and gone faculties — Penelope Gilliatt
b : dead
c : characterized by sinking or dropping the empty or gone feeling in the abdomen so common in elevators — H. G. Armstrong
2 a : involved, absorbed far gone in hysteria
b : possessed with a strong attachment or a foolish or unreasoning love or desire : infatuated — often used with on was real gone on that man — Pete Martin
c : pregnant she’s six months gone
3 : past memories of gone summers — John Cheever
4 slang : great a real gone fashion reporter — Inez Robb
New question. What was it?
For the curious, the lights were an Olight i3T EOS and i1R EOS.
We’re not curious. We just have too much time on our hands